Cloning of Ajcaspase-8 Gene and its Temporal Expression and Distribution Analyses During Embryonic Development in Sea Cucumber Apostichopus japonicus
投稿时间:2024-12-23  修订日期:2025-02-03
中文关键词: 仿刺参  caspase-8  基因克隆  时空表达  变态发育  凋亡
英文关键词: Apostichopus japonicus  caspase-8  Gene cloning  Spatiotemporal expression  Metamorphosis  Apoptosis
张晓静 大连海洋大学水产与生命学院 辽宁 大连 116023
张婵婵 大连海洋大学水产与生命学院 辽宁 大连 
马得友* 大连海洋大学水产与生命学院 辽宁 大连 116023
梁佳怡 大连海洋大学水产与生命学院 辽宁 大连 
姚美竹 大连海洋大学水产与生命学院 辽宁 大连 
李子骥 大连海洋大学水产与生命学院 辽宁 大连 
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      变态是仿刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)等重要水产养殖动物发育的关键时期,涉及幼体形态习性的重大转变。caspase-8作为半胱氨酸蛋白酶家族中最重要的凋亡启动子,参与了鱼、贝等许多水生动物的胚胎发育以及免疫防御过程。为探究caspase-8基因在仿刺参早期发育过程中的作用,本文采用RACE技术克隆获得了其cDNA全长并对序列特征进行分析,利用实时荧光定量PCR方法检测了该基因在刺参成体组织和幼体发育过程中的相对表达量,通过整体胚胎杂交技术和TUNEL技术在变态期间幼体中分别展示了Ajcaspase-8基因的表达和细胞凋亡情况。结果表明,Ajcaspase-8基因cDNA全长2790bp,共编码671个氨基酸;推导蛋白具有caspase家族保守的CASc结构域以及五肽序列QACQG,另有DED结构域和P20、P10大小亚基,它们是行使凋亡启动caspase的主要元件;Ajcaspase-8与玉足海参聚为一支,与青鳉的遗传距离更近,显示了其较高的进化地位。RT-qPCR分析发现, Ajcaspase-8基因在成年刺参组织中呈持家型表达,分别于体腔细胞中最高、性腺中最低(P<0.05),表明其参与免疫过程;从受精卵到稚参的早期发育过程中,Ajcaspase-8均有表达,到樽形幼体期时达到峰值,显著高于其他发育阶段(P<0.05);在稚参内的表达较樽形幼体有所降低(P<0.05),但仍显著高于其他阶段(P<0.05)。这显示出Ajcaspase-8在刺参幼体变态发育中发挥潜在作用。整体原位杂交研究发现,变态期间Ajcaspase-8阳性信号仅定位于大耳幼体的胃部,集中在樽形幼体球状体周边,大量出现在稚参肠内,暗示了该基因在刺参变态幼体的冗余组织和消化道中活跃表达。TUNEL可视化分析表明幼体凋亡细胞的数量随变态进程呈递增趋势,暗示了细胞凋亡是刺参变态期间维持机体内稳态的重要途径。综合上述研究结果,推测Ajcaspase-8基因在仿刺参变态附着过程发挥重要作用,其可能是以启动细胞凋亡的方式参与幼体形态的重构和免疫防御,为揭示仿刺参变态发育的分子调控机制提供基础数据。
      Metamorphosis is the essential stage during ontogenesis of several important aquaculture animals such as A. japonicus, covering a wide range of significant changes in the morphology and ecological habit of larvae. caspase-8 has been confirmed to be the foremost apoptotic promoter, which participates in embryonic development and immune defense processes in many aquatic animals such as fish and shellfish. Aiming to identify the role of caspase-8 gene in larval growth of sea cucumber A. japonicus, RACE technology was used to obtain its full-length cDNA with the following analyses on sequence characteristics; the Ajcaspase-8expression levels were detected in adult tissues and larval development periods using real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR method; the expression location of Ajcaspase-8 and cell apoptosis in metamorphosizing larvae were presented by whole embryo hybridization and TUNEL techniques, respectively. The results indicated that the full-length cDNA of Ajcaspase-8 gene was 2790bp, which encoded 671 amino acids containing hydrolysis active CASc domain and the conserved pentapeptide QACQG of Caspase family. Moreover, death receptor domain (DED) and two subunits (P20 and P10) were present in Ajcaspase-8 deduced protein, acting as the key motifs to perform the function of an initiator caspase in apoptosis pathway. Ajcaspase-8 was clustered into a branch with Holothuria leucospilota, occupying closer genetic distance to Oryzias latipes, which showed an advanced evolutionary status of this molecule. RT-qPCR results showed that the Ajcaspase-8 gene in adult sea cucumbers exhibited housekeeping expression, with the highest expression in coelomocyte and the lowest in gonads (P<0.05), indicating that it is involved in immunity. During the whole development process of A. japonicus larvae, the expression of this gene was all detected, with the top value in doliolaria stage and second-highest in juvenile stage (P<0.05), while both significantly higher than those of other developmental stages (P<0.05). This finding suggests that Ajcaspase-8 had a potential role in the morphological reshaping of larvae during metamorphosis. The whole in situ hybridization analysis exhibited that the Ajcaspase-8 positive signals were only localized in the stomach of late-stage auricularia, concentrated near the hyaline sphere of doliolaria, and obviously intensified in the intestine of juveniles, indicating this gene was actively expressed in the redundant and digestive tissues of larvae during metamorphosis. TUNEL visualization showed that the number of apoptotic cells had an increasing trend along with metamorphosis, hinting that apoptosis was an important way to maintain homeostasis of metamorphic larvae. Comprehensively, these above-mentioned results showed that the Ajcaspase-8 gene is likely to play important roles in the metamorphosis and attachment of A. japonicus, speculating that it could initiate cell apoptosis to participate in the morphological reconstruction and immune defense during the crucial process in ontogenesis of this species. This study provides fundamental data for further investigating the regulatory mechanisms of metamorphosis in sea cucumbers.
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