Establishment and Application of Parental Origin Identification Method for Hybrid Groupers
投稿时间:2024-12-08  修订日期:2025-01-04
中文关键词: 杂交石斑鱼  亲本溯源  分子标记  COI  RYR3
英文关键词: Hybrid Groupers  Parental Origin Identification  Molecular Markers  COI  RYR3
程梦薇 浙江海洋大学 266071
王焕 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 266071
丁少雄 厦门大学 海洋与地球学院 福建 厦门 
柳淑芳* 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 266071
庄志猛 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 
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      石斑鱼养殖是我国海水养殖的重要产业之一,近年来规模化的种间杂交已成为石斑鱼繁育采用的普遍方法,虎龙杂交斑、云龙石斑鱼等杂交石斑鱼新品种已占据国内石斑鱼养殖产量的70%以上。石斑鱼种间杂交选育虽然有力促进了石斑鱼养殖业发展,但也为石斑鱼的种类鉴定和种质保存带来了困扰,且杂交斑逃逸也会对物种基因库造成污染。杂交斑兼具双亲的形态特征,仅根据形态鉴定比较困难。因此,迫切需要对杂交石斑鱼及其亲本进行精准判别和鉴定,以保障石斑鱼产业健康可持续发展。本研究在比较杂交石斑鱼F1代及其亲本形态学特征差异的基础上,使用线粒体基因COI和核基因RYR3双重分子标记对云龙石斑鱼、虎龙杂交斑、金虎杂交斑、衫虎斑、龙鼠斑等5种常见杂交斑进行亲本种源鉴定。结果显示:(1)杂交斑体型与母本相似,例如,云龙石斑鱼、虎龙杂交斑、金虎杂交斑和衫虎斑均为椭圆形,而龙鼠斑头部尖突、背部隆起。杂交斑的体色和花纹兼具双亲特征,其中,金虎杂交斑和衫虎斑均与其双亲体色及花纹相似性较高,难以通过体色区分杂交后代与父母本;云龙石斑鱼、虎龙杂交斑、龙鼠斑则融合双亲颜色,表现出新的体色模式;(2) 5种杂交斑与各自母本的COI基因遗传距离为0.000-0.002,均小于0.020;其系统发育树中,杂交斑均与各自母本聚为一支。可见,COI基因能够准确甄别杂交斑的母本;(3)鉴于杂交斑核基因携带双亲遗传信息,通过计算杂交斑的亲本间RYR3基因遗传距离范围(0.006-0.023)和构建系统发育树,可以有效区分每个纯种的石斑鱼,说明RYR3适合作为分子标记辅助COI基因用于杂交石斑鱼的父母本判别;(4)基于上述结果,建立了COI与RYR3双重分子标记的杂交石斑鱼亲本种源鉴定方法。首先,根据待测样品的RYR3基因序列的杂合度判定是否为杂交斑;同时,经序列比对确认其亲本信息;如果为杂交斑,再结合COI鉴定结果甄别父母本;(5)应用该方法对16份杂交石斑鱼样品的父母本进行种源鉴定,鉴定结果均与其记录双亲信息一致,表明杂交斑亲本种源鉴定方法可行有效。以上结果表明,COI与RYR3双重分子标记技术可实现杂交石斑鱼亲本的准确判别,可为石斑鱼种质资源保护及其遗传育种提供重要参考。
      Grouper aquaculture is an important industry in China's marine aquaculture. In recent years, inter-specific hybridization has become a common method for grouper breeding, with new hybrid species such as the Hulong and Yunlong Grouper accounting for more than 70% of domestic grouper production. Although inter-specific hybrid selection has significantly promoted the development of the grouper industry, it has also brought challenges to species identification and germplasm preservation. Additiothe enally, scape of hybrid fish can pollute the gene pool of species. Hybrid fish possess morphological characteristics from both parents, making morphological identification difficult. Therefore, there is an urgent need for precise identification and authentication of hybrid groupers and their parents to ensure the healthy and sustainable development of the grouper industry. This study compared the morphological differences between F1 hybrids and their parents and used mitochondrial gene COI and nuclear gene RYR3 as dual molecular markers to trace the parents of five common hybrid species:Yunlong grouper, Hulong grouper, Jinhu grouper, Shanhu grouper, Longshu grouper. The results showed: (1) The body shape of hybrid is similar to that of the maternal parent, such as Yunlong grouper, Hulong grouper, Jinhu grouper, Shanhu grouper are all oval-shaped, Longshu grouper has a pointed head and a humpback. The color and pattern of hybrid groupers combine the characteristics of both parents, among which Jinhu grouper and Shanhu grouper have high similarity with their parents' color and pattern, making it difficult to distinguish hybrid offspring from parents by color alone; Yunlong grouper, Hulong grouper, and Longshu grouper exhibit new color patterns by blending parental colors; (2) The genetic distance between the five hybrid species and their maternal parents based on COI gene is 0.000-0.002, all less than 0.020; in their phylogenetic tree, hybrid species are clustered with their maternal parents. It is evident that COI gene can accurately identify the maternal parent of hybrid species; (3) Given that nuclear genes carry genetic information from both parents, calculating the genetic distance between parental RYR3 genes of hybrids (range 0.006-0.023) and constructing a phylogenetic tree can effectively distinguish each purebred grouper, indicating that RYR3 is suitable as a molecular marker to assist COI gene in identifying the parents of hybrid groupers; (4) Based on these results, a method for identifying the parents of hybrid groupers using COI and RYR3 dual molecular markers was established. Initially, whether a sample is a hybrid is determined by the heterozygosity of its RYR3 gene sequence; subsequent sequence comparison confirms its parental information; if it is a hybrid, then the parents are identified using COI results; (5) This method was applied to identify the parents of 16 hybrid grouper samples, and the identification results were consistent with their recorded parental information, demonstrating that the hybrid parent identifying method is feasible and effective. These findings indicate that the COI and RYR3 dual molecular marker technology can accurately identify the parents of hybrid groupers, providing important references for the conservation of stingray germplasm resources and genetic breeding.
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