Feasibility study of using Ca2+ flow rate to characterize eelgrass(Zostera marina) seed viability
投稿时间:2024-11-27  修订日期:2025-01-06
中文关键词: 鳗草种子、干燥处理、种子活力、Ca2+流速、非损伤微测技术
英文关键词: Eelgrass seeds(Zostera marina)  drying treatment  seed viability  Ca2+ flow rate,  non-invasive micrometry techniques
基金项目:1. 中国水产科学研究院基本科研业务费资助”(2023TD54),Central Public-interest Scientific Institution Basal Research Fund,CAFS(NO. 2023TD54) 2. 山东省“泰山学者青年专家计划”资助项目 (tsqn201909166),The Young Taishan Scholars Program of Shandong Province (tsqn201909166) 3.“现代农业产业技术体系专项资金(CARS-49)”;“Supported by the earmarked fund for CARS(CARS-49)”
郝紫冰 上海海洋大学 266000
高亚平 中国水产科学研究院黄海研究所 
蒋增杰* 中国水产科学研究院黄海研究所 266000
摘要点击次数: 37
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      种子活力状态评价是包括鳗草(Zostera marina L.)在内的人工培育植物苗种的重要环节。本研究在采用不同干燥时间处理(0h,1h,2h,4h,8h)来形成同批次鳗草种子活力差异的基础上,测定萌发率、相对电导率、含水率以及CAT活性和MDA含量指标的同时,利用非损伤微测技术(Non-invasive Micro-test Technology, NMT)对种子的Ca2+流速进行了测定,并探究了鳗草种子活力与Ca2+流速之间的关系。结果显示:随着干燥处理时间的增加,含水率、萌发率逐渐降低,相对电导率上升,干燥处理4h后的种子比未经处理的种子萌发率降低了12%,处理8h后的萌发率显著降低,比未经处理的种子萌发率降低了68.7%,MDA含量逐渐上升,CAT活性也随着干燥处理时间的变化先上升后下降;Ca2+呈现外流现象,外流速率随着干燥处理时间的增加不断加大,且萌发率与Ca2+外流流速呈显著负相关(y = -0.1922x + 94.09,R2=0.8606)。实验结果表明,Ca2+流速与鳗草种子活力具有很强的相关性,具有发展成为快速无损伤评估鳗草种子活力方法的潜力。
      Zostera marina is a perennial marine seed plant of Magnoliaceae, commonly found in offshore shallows, river inlets, etc., and lives in submerged water. Eelgrass has important ecological services such as water purification, protection of biodiversity, dike protection and disaster mitigation, carbon sequestration. In recent years, by the increase in the intensity of marine development and utilization and the impact of global climate change, seagrass bed resources show signs of increasing decline, China's seagrass beds degradation rate is also accelerated year by year, in this context, the protection and restoration of seagrass bed resources can not be delayed. At present, in addition to taking effective management measures to protect the existing seagrass beds, scientific restoration of seagrass beds through human intervention is also one of the important ways. Transplanting artificially cultivated seagrass seedlings for seagrass bed restoration is also a way to utilize the seeds efficiently, in which the evaluation of seed vigor status is the key to determine the germination rate and seedling establishment rate. Seed vigor is an important index for screening high germination rate, high seedling emergence rate and other high-quality varieties, and it is also the main index reflecting the rapid and neat emergence of seeds as well as the normal growth of seedlings. At present, the commonly used test methods for eelgrass seed vigor are low-temperature germination assay, conductivity assay, enzyme vigor assay and TTCH content assay. Low-temperature germination test is a commonly used method to determine seed vigor, but the method has certain limitations, and cannot reflect the real vigor level of seeds well, especially in eelgrass seeds, because the germination time needs more than 2 weeks, so the timeliness is poor; seedling growth determination, germination rate determination and other traditional methods for detecting seed vigor need to be verified by a large number of repetitive experiments, which requires a large amount of manpower, material resources and time, and also requires a large amount of investment in the development and development of eelgrass seeds. Conductivity measurement, enzyme activity measurement and seedling growth rate measurement need to be validated by a large number of repetitive tests, which requires a large investment of labor, material and time, and may also cause damage to the sample. Conductivity measurement and enzyme activity measurement are destructive testing methods, causing damage to the seeds to be tested. With the rapid development of technology, various kinds of non-contact, non-destructive, rapid seed viability testing methods have begun to emerge, such as non-invasive micro-measurement technology, near-infrared spectroscopy scanning analysis technology, hyperspectral imaging technology, electronic nose detection technology, etc. Among them, non-invasive micro-measurement technology is used to determine the seed viability by means of the sample. Among them, the non-damaging micro-measurement technology is to determine the seed vigor by measuring the ion or molecular flow rate of drops on the seed surface. This technique has the advantages of non-damage, multi-electrode, multi-angle, high sensitivity, high resolution, etc., and has been applied in a variety of plant research fields, such as plant salt resistance, plant pathology, and plant heavy metal resistance. In this study, we determined the Ca2+ flow rate and flow direction within eelgrass seeds with different activities obtained from drying treatment by a non-invasive microbolometer system to investigate the relationship between Ca2+ flow rate and eelgrass seed vigor, and to provide a new method for rapid, non-invasive, in vivo identification of eelgrass seed vigor. Prior knowledge of seed viability status is a crucial aspect of all artificial seedling cultivation, including eelgrass. In this study, eelgrass seeds were subjected to different degrees of drought stress for their special recalcitrant properties, and the same batch of eelgrass seeds was artificially treated to create differences in vigor. While different indicators were used to describe the physiological state of the seeds after the drying treatment, non-invasive micrometry was used to determine the Ca2+ flow rate of the seeds in order to investigate the relationship between eelgrass seed vigor and the Ca2+ flow rate. In this study, drying treatments were used to artificially create viability differences in eelgrass seeds from the same batch, totaling five drying times (0h,1h,2h,4h,8h) and 20 groups of samples. Germination rate, relative conductivity, water content as well as CAT activity and MDA content were determined. The non-invasive micro-measurement technology was utilized to explore the detection of eelgrass seed vigor, so as to carry out preliminary experiments and demonstration for the feasibility of seed vigor grading, and to lay the foundation for the construction of eelgrass seed vigor grading standard system. The results showed that: with the growth of treatment time, the germination rate gradually decreased and the relative conductivity increased, and the germination rate of seeds after 4h of treatment was 12% lower than that of untreated seeds, and the germination rate after 8h of treatment was significantly reduced, 68.7% lower than that of untreated seeds;; the catalase activity also changed significantly with the change of the treatment time; the Ca2+ was effluxed, and the rate of effluxed increased with the growth of treatment time, and the rate of effluxed increased with the growth of treatment time, and the rate of efflux increased with the increase of treatment time, and the rate of efflux increased with the increase of treatment time. The Ca2+ efflux, efflux rate increased with the growth of treatment time, and the germination rate and Ca2+ efflux flow rate were significantly negatively correlated, and the fitted linear equation was y = -0.1922x + 94.09, with an R2 of 0.8606. It was proved that the Ca2+ flow rate has the potential to be put into practical production as a kind of eelgrass seed vigor detection index, which provides a basis for the rapid and non-destructive method of identifying eelgrass seed vigor.
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