原大山,刘志鸿,马培振,孙秀俊,周丽青,李转转,徐东,吴彪.青岛典型潮间带贝类的种类组成与群落特征.渔业科学进展,2025,46(1):15-29 |
青岛典型潮间带贝类的种类组成与群落特征 |
Species composition and community characteristics of typical intertidal shellfish in Qingdao, China |
投稿时间:2024-01-31 修订日期:2024-03-11 |
DOI:10.19663/j.issn2095-9869.20240131001 |
中文关键词: 潮间带 底质 群落结构 多样性 优势种 |
英文关键词: Intertidal zone Substrate Community structure Diversity Dominant species |
基金项目:青岛近岸渔业资源综合科学调查、青岛市第一次全国水产养殖种质资源普查项目(ZFCG2023007250)、崂山实验室山东省专项(2021QNLM050103)和国家海洋水产种质资源库共同资助 |
摘要点击次数: 235 |
全文下载次数: 555 |
中文摘要: |
为了解青岛沿岸潮间带贝类优势种、群落结构等资源状况,本研究分别于2022年5月(春季)和2022年10月(秋季)对青岛沿海基岩海岸、砂质海岸、粉砂淤泥质海岸以及砂质和基岩混合海岸类型的8个典型站位的潮间带贝类资源进行调查,比较、分析了各站位贝类物种组成、优势度和香农–威纳多样性指数、丰富度指数、均匀度指数等群落结构参数,并采用相似性系数聚类和非度量多维排序方法进行群落聚类分析。结果显示,青岛沿海潮间带共鉴定出贝类40种,沧口发现的贝类物种数最多,达到18种,金口最少,仅发现6种;各调查站位的优势种组成存在差异,且同一站位贝类优势种的种类和优势度随季节的变化而不同,春季优势种主要是短滨螺(Littorina brevicula)、砂海螂(Mya arenaria)和矮拟帽贝(Patelloida pygmaea)等,秋季优势种主要是长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)、凸壳肌蛤(Musculista senhousia)和菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)等;春季和秋季的多样性指数范围分别为0.85~1.84和0.66~2.00,丰富度指数分别为0.86~1.97和0.62~2.96,均匀度指数分别为0.41~0.84和0.31~0.98,多样性指数和丰富度最高的3个站位为前桃园、鳌山卫和沧口;春秋两季各站位群落聚类结果有所不同,红石崖和金口始终分别为单独一支,沧口和王哥庄始终聚为一类,前桃园和鳌山卫始终聚为一类。研究发现,底质类型对青岛潮间带贝类组成和群落结构特征具有较大影响。本研究查明了青岛不同底质潮间带的贝类资源状况,为青岛潮间带贝类资源的开发、保护和生态修复提供了基础资料。 |
英文摘要: |
The intertidal zone, a dynamic interface between the ocean and land, is one of the most diverse ecological habitats and harbors some of the richest biological communities. However, due to its unique location at the water's edge, it also bears the brunt of human activities in coastal areas. Intertidal biological resources serve as a foundation for the survival of coastal residents and plays a crucial role in coastal economic development. However, the intertidal zone serves as a primary area for coastal zone development and utilization, facing unprecedented environmental pressure resulting from rapid industrialization, urbanization, and agricultural intensification along coastlines. Consequently, safeguarding the intertidal ecological environment and biodiversity has become imperative for China's marine ecological civilization construction efforts. The coastal substrates in Qingdao encompass a diverse range of types, with predominantly rocky, sandy, and silt-muddy coasts constituting its coastline features. As an important marine center city encompassing coastal resorts and international port cities in China, Qingdao has witnessed rapid growth in its marine industry sector, while experiencing mounting pressure on its intertidal ecosystem. Shellfish are the predominant biological group in Qingdao’s intertidal zone, exhibiting significant variation in species composition and community characteristics across different coastal types, thus serving as crucial ecological indicators for this zone. Despite a relatively early start to research on shellfish resources in Qingdao's intertidal zone, recent surveys focusing on shellfish distribution across various substrates are limited.
To comprehensively assess the resource status and community structure of intertidal shellfish along the Qingdao coast, this study investigated intertidal shellfish resources at eight representative stations, including rocky, sandy, silt-muddy, and mixed sandy-rocky coastal types in May and October 2022. The composition of shellfish species, dominance patterns, and community structure parameters, including the Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Margalef richness index, and Pielou evenness index, were compared and analyzed at each station. Community clustering analyses were performed using similarity coefficient clustering and non-metric multi-dimensional scaling techniques. Our findings revealed in total 40 identified species of intertidal shellfish along the Qingdao coast. Among the stations surveyed for species richness, Canyon Street exhibited the highest number, with 18 species recorded, whereas Jinkou had the lowest, with only six species observed. The dominant species composition varied among survey stations and showed seasonal variations in type and dominance. During spring, Littorina brevicula, Mya arenaria, and Patelloida pygmaea emerged as the dominant species, whereas Crassostrea gigas, Musculista senhousia, and Ruditapes philippinarum dominated during fall. The Shannon-Wiener diversity index ranged from 0.85 to 1.84 and 0.66 to 2.00, Margalef richness index ranged from 0.86 to 1.97 and 0.62 to 2.96, and Pielou evenness index ranged from 0.41 to 0.84 and 0.31 to 0.98 in spring and autumn, respectively. Qiantaoyuan in Langya, Aoshanwei, and Cangkou exhibited the highest Shannon-Wiener diversity and Margalef richness indices among all stations. Community clustering results varied between spring and autumn at each station. Hongshiyi and Jinkou consistently formed separate branches, Cangkou and Wanggezhuang always clustered together, and the former Taoyuan in Langya and Aoshanwei were consistently grouped together. This study revealed that substrate type significantly influenced the composition and community structure characteristics of intertidal shellfish in Qingdao. This study identifies the status of shellfish resources on various substrates within Qingdao's intertidal zone, providing a foundation for resource development, protection, and ecological restoration efforts. |
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