Country and region based differences in fishing in the Eastern Central Atlantic Ocean using dominance analysis
投稿时间:2022-05-07  修订日期:2022-06-04
中文关键词: 优势分析  中东大西洋  捕捞国家和地区  渔获量  可持续发展
英文关键词: Dominance analysis  Eastern Central Atlantic  Fishing countries and regions  Catches  Sustainable development
张忠 上海海洋大学海洋科学学院 国家远洋渔业工程技术研究中心 大洋渔业资源可持续开发教育部重点实验室 农业农村部大洋渔业开发重点实验室 上海 201306 
陈新军 上海海洋大学海洋科学学院 国家远洋渔业工程技术研究中心 大洋渔业资源可持续开发教育部重点实验室 农业农村部大洋渔业开发重点实验室 上海 201306 
余为 上海海洋大学海洋科学学院 国家远洋渔业工程技术研究中心 大洋渔业资源可持续开发教育部重点实验室 农业农村部大洋渔业开发重点实验室 上海 201306 
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      中东大西洋是世界重要的渔业捕捞区域,分析其渔获组成以及不同捕捞国家和地区的渔获量情况,有利于该海域渔业资源的可持续开发和利用。根据1950—2019年联合国粮农组织(FAO)中东大西洋海域渔获量数据,采用优势分析法(dominance analysis),对中东大西洋海域及不同年代沿海和非沿海国家和地区的渔获量和渔获种类组成及贡献度进行了分析。研究显示,中东大西洋渔获量整体呈增长趋势,沙丁鱼(Sardina pilchardus)、筛鲱(Ethmalosa fimbriata)、金色小沙丁鱼(Sardinella aurita)、圆鲭(Scomber colias)等4种鱼类是该海域的优势种,对渔获量贡献度高,各年代平均合计贡献度为52.06%。在中东大西洋沿海国和地区(以下简称“沿海国和地区”)中,摩洛哥、塞内加尔、加纳、喀麦隆、尼日利亚等5个国家和地区对该海域贡献度高,各年代平均合计贡献度为65.07%,其中,摩洛哥和塞内加尔在每个年代的贡献度均大于10%。欧盟、俄罗斯(苏联)、日本是中东大西洋非沿海国和地区(以下简称“非沿海国和地区”)的主要贡献来源,各年代平均合计贡献度为82.71%,其中,欧盟在各年代平均合计贡献度近60%。中国大陆在该海域的累计渔获量仅55.71万t,不到日本的18%。研究认为,中东大西洋渔业资源受到不同程度的过度捕捞或者开发,建议科学制定渔业管理措施,适当降低捕捞强度,合理开发沙丁鱼、头足类等主要渔获物种,加强区域合作,推进中东大西洋渔业资源开发的可持续发展。
      The Eastern Central Atlantic Ocean is located on the west coast of the African continent and the East coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has classified the operational area into 34 fishing areas. Under the influence of the canary Current (cold current), equatorial countercurrent (warm current), and ocean trade winds, an upwelling fishing ground has been formed in the broad continental shelf area of the Eastern Central Atlantic Ocean, which is abundant in fishery resources and is a globally important fishing area. Studies have shown that the Eastern Central Atlantic Ocean has been overfished by the European Union and other countries, which damaged the fishery resources and ecosystem in this fishing area. Therefore, analyzing the composition of catches of different countries and regions in this area can objectively evaluate the situation of fishing and utilization of fishery resources in different countries and regions, and provide a strong basis for rational development and scientific management of fishery resources in this fishing area. Using the catch data of the Eastern Central Atlantic Ocean provided by FAO from 1950 to 2019, the dominance analysis was used to analyze the composition and contribution of catches and catch species in the Eastern Central Atlantic, as well as in the coastal and non-coastal countries and regions in different decades. Previous works have illustrated that the total catch in the region has been increasing since 1950. The top ten identifiable species of fish in the region during the mentioned period were Sardina pilchardus, Jack and horse mackerels nei, Sardinellas nei, Sardinella aurita, Scomber colias, Ethmalosa fimbriata, Katsuwonus pelamis, Engraulis encrasicolus, Thunnus albacares, and Sardinella maderensis accounting for 63.61% of the total catch in this fishing area. Statistics of catches by age revealed that five species including Sardina pilchardus, Sardinellas nei, Sardinella aurita, Ethmalosa fimbriata, Thunnus albacares ranked in the top ten in each decade, and Sardina pilchardus, and Ethmalosa fimbriata catch increased in each decade, and Sardina pilchardus ranked first in each decade. From 1950 to 2019, the total catch of the top ten coastal countries and regions reached 10974.80×104 t, accounting for 94.95% of the total catch of the coastal countries and regions, representing the catch level of the coastal countries and regions. The sum of the total catches of the top ten non-coastal countries and regions from 1950 to 2019 reached 6440.01×104 t accounting for 80.40% of the total catch of the non-coastal countries and regions in this fishing area, representing the catch level of non-coastal countries and regions. Dominant analysis showed that four species of Sardina pilchardus, Ethmalosa fimbriata, Sardinella aurita, and Scomber colias were dominant in this fishing area. With an average combined contribution of 52.06% in each decade, Morocco, Senegal, Ghana, Cameroon, and Nigeria contributed the maximum to the fishing, among which Morocco and Senegal contributed more than 10% in each decade. The European Union, Russia (Soviet Union), and Japan were the main contributing countries among non-coastal countries and regions with an average total contribution of 82.71% in each decade and the average total contribution of the European Union was 60% in each decade. The cumulative catch of the Chinese mainland in this fishing area was merely 55.71×104 t, which was less than 18% of Japan´s contribution. According to this study, the fishery resources in the Eastern Central Atlantic Ocean have been overfished or overexploited to varying degrees threatening the survival of major catch species such as Sardina pilchardus, cephalopods. In this fishing area, the European Union, Japan, and other non-coastal countries and regions had captured a sizable catch with high economic value (such as tuna). Therefore, the monitoring and management of overfishing and illegal fishing must be strengthened to accelerate the monitoring and conservation of major catch species such as sardines and cephalopods. Coastal countries and regions should formulate reasonable fishery management measures, reject unreasonable fishery assistance and fishery agreements, scientifically evaluate fishery development systems such as bottom trawling permits, and reduce the damage to demersal marine fish resources and social impacts. Non-coastal countries and regions should keep the intensity of fishing appropriately to help resource assessment and conservation of overfished fishery resources in this fishing area. Coastal countries and regions should strengthen regional cooperation, break the current situation of unbalanced development between regions, and promote the sustainable development of fishery resources in the Eastern Central Atlantic Ocean. Based on the dominance analysis, this study comprehensively analyzed the fishery resources in the Eastern Central Atlantic Ocean from the perspective of catch composition and difference in catch size of countries and regions, objectively reflected the importance of different catch species, as well as the contribution and utilization of different fishing countries and regions to the fishery resources, which provided scientific support for the sustainable utilization of fishery resources in this fishing area. It also provided a new opinion for the analysis of the utilization of fishery resources in various fishing areas around the world.
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