Selective behavior of juvenile Brachymystax tsinlingensis depends on substrate color, light intensity, and light color
投稿时间:2022-02-14  修订日期:2022-04-11
中文关键词: 底质  光照  选择行为  秦岭细鳞鲑  稚鱼
英文关键词: Substrate environment  Light  Behavior selectivity  Brachymystax tsinlingensis  Juvenile
张林 贵州大学动物科学学院 高原山地动物遗传育种与繁殖教育部重点实验室 贵州 贵阳 550025贵州大学特种水产研究所 贵州 贵阳 550025 
兰开勇 贵州大学动物科学学院 高原山地动物遗传育种与繁殖教育部重点实验室 贵州 贵阳 550025 
宋荣群 贵州大学动物科学学院 高原山地动物遗传育种与繁殖教育部重点实验室 贵州 贵阳 550025 
熊冬梅 西北农林科技大学动物科技学院 陕西 杨凌 712100 
李瑞娇 中国水产科学研究院黄河水产研究所 陕西 西安 710000 
李军文 太白县水产工作站 陕西 宝鸡 722300 
姜海波 贵州大学动物科学学院 高原山地动物遗传育种与繁殖教育部重点实验室 贵州 贵阳 550025贵州大学特种水产研究所 贵州 贵阳 550025 
邵俭 贵州大学动物科学学院 高原山地动物遗传育种与繁殖教育部重点实验室 贵州 贵阳 550025贵州大学特种水产研究所 贵州 贵阳 550025 
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      光照、底质颜色是影响鱼类行为、生存的重要环境因子,为探究秦岭细鳞鲑(Brachymystax tsinlingensis)稚鱼对光照及底质颜色环境偏好,本研究以秦岭细鳞鲑子代为实验鱼[平均全长为(3.31±0.67) cm;平均体重为(0.42±0.18) g]开展了秦岭细鳞鲑稚鱼对底质颜色、光照强度及光照颜色的选择行为。结果显示,秦岭细鳞鲑稚鱼个体与群体均对黑色底质偏好明显;个体对3种光照强度(弱光区为1~5 lx,过渡区为5~10 lx,强光区为10~25 lx)均无明显趋向性(P>0.05),而群体对强光(10~25 lx)有明显趋避性;在相同光照强度(1~3 lx)下,个体对4种光照颜色(黄、红、绿和蓝)无明显趋向性(P>0.05),而群体对绿光有明显趋避性(P<0.05)。秦岭细鳞鲑个体和群体对光照强度和光照颜色的差异性表现可能与其信息传递特征或环境反应机制不同有关,而个体和群体均偏好黑色底质,其偏好光照强度为1~10 lx,对绿光具有趋避性,这可能与该物种生活环境特征相关。本研究结论可进一步为秦岭细鳞鲑苗种培育和增殖放流环境选择提供参考。
      Brachymystax tsinlingensis is a unique cold water fish locally distributed in China, belonging to Salmoniformes, Salmonidae and Brachymystax. It is mainly distributed in the mountain streams of the Qinling mountain range, including the Shitouhe River in the northern foothills, the Heihe River in the eastern foothills and the Taibaihe and Xushuihe rivers in the southern foothills. B. tsinlingensis has high sensitivity owing to demanding natural habitat conditions and special biological properties. In the past few decades, environmental pollution, a variety of human-caused threats, and reduced resources has caused drastic declines in the wild populations of B. tsinlingensis. In 1998, the species was listed as a second-class state-protected wild animal in the China Red Data Book of Endangered Animals. Due to environmental disruption and human impacts, wild numbers of this species have declined quickly. In China, researchers have focused on B. tsinlingensis conservation. Artificial propagation is one of the most effective methods to restore the natural populations of B. tsinlingensis. In recent years, initial breakthroughs in artificial propagation techniques have aided this species, but the fry survival rate remains relatively low. During artificial breeding experiments, we identified the light environment and substrate conditions that are important factors affecting the survival rate of fry. Fry behavioral selection of light and substrate characteristics was highly significant. The aim of this study was to identify the habitat preferences and associated behavior of B. tsinlingensis. Behavioral experiments were conducted on the progeny of B. tsinlingensis in response to the light environment and substrate color. In this study, we randomly selected healthy juveniles from the same offspring batch obtained through artificial propagation as the experimental fish. The fry total length ranged from 2.23–4.57 cm, with an average of (3.31±0.67) cm. Fry weight ranged from 0.21–0.77 g, with an average weight of (0.42±0.18) g. The experimental fish were not fed 2 h before initiating the experiment. We undertook a combination of individual tests and population tests to investigate three different behavioral selection experiments on juveniles: substrate color preference with the substrate colors of black, white, and blue; light intensity preference with the light intensity of dark (from 1 lx to 5 lx), transition area (from 5 lx to 10 lx), and illuminated area (from 10 lx to 25 lx); light color preference with the light colors of yellow, red, green, or blue. The statistical analysis of the percentage of residence time and the distribution number of experimental fish in each area, enabled analysis using a selective index for the different light intensities, different light colors, and different substrate colors. All analyses used Excel 2016 and SPSS (V 25.0) software, and the statistical values were expressed as the mean ± standard deviation. The results showed that the percentage of time the individuals resided in the black substrate area was significantly higher than that in the white or blue area (P<0.05). The percentage of the population distributed in the black substrate area was also significantly higher than that in the white or blue area (P<0.05). Therefore, the majority of the fish preferred the black substrate. The fish swam slowly through the black substrate area in the substrate color experiments. Secondly, in the phototropism experiment, there was no significant variation in the duration of each individual in the three light intensity areas (P>0.05), and the percentage of the population in the illuminated area was significantly lower than that in the dark area and the transition area (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between the dark area and the transition area. The population had a negative tendency to the illuminated area, and fish were observed clustering in the dark area and the transition area. Moreover, individuals did not differ significantly in the percent of time they resided in the four light color areas (P>0.05). However, the percentage of individuals in the green light area was significantly lower than that in other areas (P<0.05). The population had a negative tendency towards the green light, and fish displayed sudden acceleration when swimming through the green area in the light color selection experiment. Consequently, the population had a more pronounced avoidance than the individual experiments, this might be related to the mutual transmission of information when residing in clusters, and the speed of information transmission in groups encouraging individuals to avoid the adverse environment. Juvenile B. tsinlingensis preferred a black substrate, avoided green light, and their optimum illumination range was 1–10 lx. The results provide scientific guidance for environmental fry rearing and releasing of B. tsinlingensis.
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