Analysis of influence of different sizes of Perinereis aibuhitensis on the occurrence form of nitrogen and phosphorus in sediments
投稿时间:2022-01-11  修订日期:2022-01-24
中文关键词: 双齿围沙蚕  生物扰动  氮赋存形态  磷赋存形态  沉积物
英文关键词: Pernereis aibuhitensis  Biological disturbance  Nitrogen form  Phosphorus form  Sediment
刘忠航 上海海洋大学 水产科学国家级实验教学示范中心 上海 201306中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 农业农村部海洋渔业可持续发展重点实验室 青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室海洋渔业科学与食物产出过程功能实验室 山东 青岛 266071 
常志强 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 农业农村部海洋渔业可持续发展重点实验室 青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室海洋渔业科学与食物产出过程功能实验室 山东 青岛 266071 
袁晟译 上海海洋大学 水产科学国家级实验教学示范中心 上海 201306中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 农业农村部海洋渔业可持续发展重点实验室 青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室海洋渔业科学与食物产出过程功能实验室 山东 青岛 266071 
李健 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 农业农村部海洋渔业可持续发展重点实验室 青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室海洋渔业科学与食物产出过程功能实验室 山东 青岛 266071 
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      沉积物作为养殖系统中氮磷的蓄积库,对养殖水体氮磷水平调控发挥着重要作用,氮磷赋存形态影响其在沉积物中的吸附和释放。为研究双齿围沙蚕(Perinereis aibuhitensis Grube)对海水养殖池塘沉积物氮磷赋存形态的影响,以400 g/m2生物量设计不同规格双齿围沙蚕养殖实验,分别为小规格[(0.7±0.3) g]、中规格[(2.5±0.3) g]和大规格[(4.3±0.3) g]处理组,不放养沙蚕设为对照组,实验周期为45 d,分别于实验初、末期采集不同深度的沉积物,测定其中氮磷各赋存形态的含量。结果显示,不同规格双齿围沙蚕均显著提高了沉积物上、中层离子交换态氮(IEF-N)、弱酸可浸取态氮(WAEF-N)和强碱可浸取态氮(SAEF-N)含量(P<0.05),中、小规格处理组显著降低了沉积物中强氧化剂可浸取态氮(SOEF-N)含量(P<0.05);不同规格双齿围沙蚕均显著提高了沉积物上、中层非磷灰石无机磷(NAIP)含量(P<0.05),中、小规格处理组显著降低了沉积物中有机磷(OP)含量(P<0.05)。本研究表明,中、小规格的双齿围沙蚕可以加速沉积物中有机氮磷的矿化,促进沉积物其他形态氮磷向上迁移,使其更容易分解和释放,进而被水体浮游植物所利用。
      Aquaculture in China is spread over a total area of 7.108 5×106 hm2. Nowadays, aquaculture is done with a focus on high bait utilization efficiency. Moreover, the proportion of high-density farming organisms and high investment in aquaculture is increasing every year. However, the negative environmental problems associated with high efficiency of aquaculture are often ignored, especially the eutrophication caused by nitrogen and phosphorus pollution. An aquaculture system is a reservoir of nitrogen and phosphorus and sediments play an important role in regulating nitrogen and phosphorus levels in the system. The occurrence forms of nitrogen and phosphorus are closely related to the adsorption and release rates of nitrogen and phosphorus. Benthic animals contribute to the organic composition of sediments, and biological interference is an important factor affecting the release of nitrogen and phosphorus. Perinereis aibuhitensis Grube is a typical benthic animal living in sediments, which feeds on humus and benthic algae, and is one of the main types of organisms that is artificially bred in China. P. aibuhitensis can change the physical structure of sediments by burrowing and through bioturbation; it can also transport dissolved oxygen from the upper water level to the depths of sediments and increase the redox potential of sediments. Studies of Meng et al (2020) have shown that different specifications of P. aibuhitensis have significant differences in the distance covered by the sediments. Significant differences are also present in pump water, pump water rate, axial crawling speed, and nutrient salt dissolution efficiency. The optimum stocking density of P. aibuhitensis is 330–500 g/m2. Investigation of the occurrence pattern and vertical distribution of nitrogen and phosphorus in sediments is essential for assessing the endogenous nitrogen and phosphorus load in sediments, controlling eutrophication of water bodies, and assessing the risk of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrient release in sediments. In this study, the effects and role of P. aibuhitensis on the transformation of nitrogen and phosphorus speciation in sediments were measured, and the feasibility of its application as a bioremediation species in pollution control was evaluated. This study can provide theoretical basis and technical support for green aquaculture and environmental governance. In order to study the effect of biological disturbance of P. aibuhitensis on the occurrence pattern of nitrogen and phosphorus in sediments, experiments involving P. aibuhitensis with different characteristics were performed. The experiments were divided into four groups with 400 g/m2 biomass of P. aibuhitensis: A small size group [(0.7±0.3) g]; a medium size group [(2.5±0.3) g]; and a large size group [(4.3±0.3) g] as the treatment group; and a no-sand silkworm as the control group. The experimental period was 45 days. Sediment samples were collected in PVC tubes (inner diameter: 1.5 cm), and the collected samples were divided into the upper layer, middle layer, and lower layer by partitioning. The contents of nitrogen and phosphorus in each group were determined as per the methods described by Ruttenberg (1992) and Ruban et al (2001). The different occurrence forms of nitrogen include an ion-exchanged form (IEF-N), a weak acid extractable form (WAEF-N), a strong alkali extractable form (SAEF-N) and a strong oxidant extractable form (SOEF-N). Different forms of phosphorus include non-apatite inorganic phosphorus (NAIP), apatite inorganic phosphorus (AP), inorganic phosphorus (IP), organic phosphorus (OP), and total phosphorus (TP). IEF-N is the most easily released nitrogen form in sediments, which is mainly released due to the adsorption of nitrate in overlying water and the ammonia nitrogen generated by the decomposition of organic nitrogen in sediments. WAEF-N mainly includes nitrogen bound to CO32–, which is affected by CO32– concentration in sediments. SAEF-N mainly refers to Fe/Mn bound nitrogen in sediments, and its formation is related to the redox potential in sediments. SOEF-N mainly refers to the organic form of nitrogen in sediments, which is generally the main form of nitrogen. NAIP refers to the phosphorus bound to Fe, Mn, and Al oxides and their hydroxides in sediments, and this form of phosphorus is easily released in the sediments. AP is a form of phosphorus bound to calcium in sediments, which is considered to be relatively inert. IP refers to total inorganic phosphorus in sediments, which mainly includes NAIP and AP. OP refers to organic phosphorus in sediments, and TP refers to all forms of phosphorus in sediments. The results showed that P. aibuhitensis significantly increased the quantity of IEF-N, WAEF-N, and SAEF-N in the upper and middle layers of sediments (P<0.05), and the medium and small size groups significantly decreased the content of SOEF-N in sediments (P<0.05). P. aibuhitensis significantly increased the content of NAIP in the upper and middle layers of sediments (P<0.05), and the medium and small size groups significantly decreased the content of OP in sediments (P<0.05). This study showed that P. aibuhitensis could increase the bottom redox potential and promote the formation of Fe/Al bound nitrogen and phosphorus. It could also accelerate the mineralization of organic nitrogen and phosphorus in sediments, promoting the upward migration of other forms of nitrogen and phosphorus in sediments, making nitrogen and phosphorus in sediments easier to decompose and release, which could be used by phytoplankton in water. In the early stages of pond culture, P. aibuhitensis disturbance can make water nutrient rich in the late stage of culture, P. aibuhitensis can reduce the accumulation of nitrogen and phosphorus in sediments, so that the ponds can maintain good breeding conditions. P. aibuhitensis has the potential to repair environmental pollution in conjunction with other aquatic plants and algae.
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