Effect of environmental light on the growth performance and physiology of Schizothorax wangchiachii
投稿时间:2020-06-30  修订日期:2020-08-11
中文关键词: 短须裂腹鱼  光强  光谱  趋光性
英文关键词: Schizothorax wangchiachii  Light intensity  Spectra  Phototaxis behavior
褚云冲 中国海洋大学水产学院 山东 青岛 266003 
王伟夫 华电金沙江上游水电开发有限公司苏洼龙分公司 四川 甘孜 626000 
胡江军 华电金沙江上游水电开发有限公司苏洼龙分公司 四川 甘孜 626000 
董登攀 中国海洋大学水产学院 山东 青岛 266003 
盛化香 中国海洋大学水产学院 山东 青岛 266003 
黄志涛 中国海洋大学水产学院 山东 青岛 266003 
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      光照是影响鱼类活动、摄食和生长的主要环境因子之一。本文分别以野生和养殖短须裂腹鱼(Schizothorax wangchiachi)为研究对象,研究了短须裂腹鱼对光谱、光强选择趋向性及光谱对短须裂腹鱼生长、生理的影响。结果显示,黄光、红光和绿光都对短须裂腹鱼起到吸引作用;利用黄光进行光照强度选择性研究发现,在低光照强度范围(22.6~64.7 lx),短须裂腹鱼对光强的趋向性没有显著差异(P>0.05);为期56 d的养殖实验发现,不同的光照颜色显著影响短须裂腹鱼的生长率和存活率(P<0.05),黄光和自然光处理组的养殖效果无显著性差异;无论在生长率和应激水平,均优于蓝光环境,蓝光提升了短须裂腹鱼的应激水平,导致存活率下降。研究结果可为水利工程建设过鱼设施诱鱼光源的选择提供科学依据。
      Light is one of the main factors affecting fish activity, feeding, and growth, and has thus been an active focus of marine research. The aim of this study was to investigate the selectivity of light spectra and intensity in Schizothorax wangchiachii using wild and cultured fishes. The study investigated the effects of light on the growth performance and physiological characteristics of S. wangchiachii. S. wangchiachii were cultured in a 12-replicated recirculating aquaculture system with four different lighting conditions (natural light, blue light, green light, and yellow light) for 8 weeks. The results showed that S. wangchiachii were attracted to the yellow, red, and green light, with blue light having a negative effect on species. No significant differences were found (P<0.05) between the phototaxis behaviors of S. wangchiachii in response to different light intensities (22.6~64.7 lx) under green and yellow light. The results showed that light colors have a notable impact on the growth rate and survival rate of S. wangchiachii (P<0.05). The yellow light showed better trapping ability but did not improve the growth and survival rate of S. wangchiachii, however, the survival rate of S. wangchiachii was only 46.7% in the blue light treatment group. In addition, there was no significant difference between cortisol levels of the natural light and yellow light treatment groups, but they were significantly lower than those of the blue light treatment group. In conclusion, better growth performance was obtained with yellow and natural light treatments, and the survival rate of S. wangchiachii was more than 85%, both faring significantly better than the blue light treatment. Blue light increased the stress levels of S. wangchiachii and led to a decreased survival rate. These results can provide scientific basis for the wild harvest of fish, solutions for fish passage around hydraulic engineering construction, and in the selective breeding of S. wangchiachii.
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