Effect of experience on behavior and parameter correlation in juvenile seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
投稿时间:2020-02-06  修订日期:2020-03-13
中文关键词: 欧洲舌齿鲈  行为  经验  学习
英文关键词: Dicentrarchus labrax  Behavior  Experience  Learning
胡雨 大连海洋大学 大连 116023 设施渔业教育部重点实验室 大连 116023 
刘鹰 大连海洋大学 大连 116023 设施渔业教育部重点实验室 大连 116023 
范继泽 大连海洋大学 大连 116023 设施渔业教育部重点实验室 大连 116023 
周诚 大连海洋大学 大连 116023 设施渔业教育部重点实验室 大连 116023 
张志强 大连海洋大学 大连 116023 设施渔业教育部重点实验室 大连 116023 
马真 大连海洋大学 大连 116023 设施渔业教育部重点实验室 大连 116023 
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      学习和信息传递是鱼类认知过程中的重要内容。本研究设计了特定实验装置,通过2个实验测定了欧洲舌齿鲈(Dicentrarchus labrax)幼鱼在有/无有经验个体条件下完成任务的时间和行为表现。实验装置呈“L”型,有3个PVC材质构建的60 cm×60 cm的实验区域,2个相邻区域之间用内径为12 cm的圆柱体通道连通(即通道1和通道2)。结果显示:(1)实验1中无有经验鱼陪伴的个体(AF)和实验2中有有经验鱼陪伴的个体(SF)通过通道2的时间均显著低于通过通道1的时间(P<0.05);(2)分别对2个实验中AF和SF通过通道1或通道2的时间进行比较,结果均无显著差异(P>0.05);(3)实验2中成对鱼的移动距离、速度、加速度、转角和活跃度均表现出显著相关性。本研究表明,有经验个体的存在能够影响无经验个体的行为表现,但无经验个体在探索环境的过程中,自身可能会获得更复杂的信息。本研究旨在为今后深入研究鱼类认知、通讯和社会互动等行为提供参考。
      Learning and information transfer are two important parts of fish cognitive processes. This study aimed to compare the time and behavioral parameters of juvenile seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) with or without experienced individuals under a specific environmental condition. The experimental device was “L”-shaped and consisted of three 60 cm×60 cm test compartments made of PVC material. The two adjacent compartments were connected by a cylinder channel with an inner diameter of 12 cm (i.e., first channel and second channel). The experiment comprised two trials: The first tested the time and behavior of an alone fish (AF) to complete the task, and the second tested the time and behavior of inexperienced fish (SF) in the presence of experienced fish to complete the task and the correlation of behavioral parameters between pairs of fish. The results showed that the time for the AF and SF to pass through the second channel was significantly lower than that through the first channel (P<0.05), regardless of the presence of experienced fish. Over the entire experiment, no significant difference was observed between the times taken for AF and SF to pass through the second channel (P>0.05), but less time was taken in the second trial. The pairs of fish showed similar motion trends within 10 min after they first met and kept the relative movement distance within one total length. There were significant correlations between the pairs of fish in terms of the distance moved, velocity, acceleration, turn angle, and activity. These results suggested that inexperienced fishes’ behavior might be influenced by an experienced individual, and that inexperienced fish might obtain more complex information in the process of exploring their environment.
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