Similarity of microchemical “fingerprints” between the pectoral fin ray and otolith of Coilia nasus
投稿时间:2019-09-10  修订日期:2019-12-09
中文关键词: 胸鳍条  耳石  刀鲚  湖鲚  短颌鲚  微化学
英文关键词: Pectoral fin ray  Otolith  Coilia nasus  C. nasus taihuensis  C. brachygnathus  Microchemistry
姜涛 中国水产科学研究院淡水渔业研究中心 长江中下游渔业生态环境评价与资源养护重点实验室 无锡 214081 
刘洪波 中国水产科学研究院淡水渔业研究中心 长江中下游渔业生态环境评价与资源养护重点实验室 无锡 214081 
轩中亚 南京农业大学无锡渔业学院 无锡 214081 
杨健 中国水产科学研究院淡水渔业研究中心 长江中下游渔业生态环境评价与资源养护重点实验室 无锡 214081南京农业大学无锡渔业学院 无锡 214081 
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      耳石微化学被广泛应用于鱼类洄游生态学研究,但耳石的摘取难免会造成鱼的死亡和损伤,故寻找可以快捷、非致死地替代耳石进行微化学分析的材料很有意义。为此,本研究比较了刀鲚(Coilia nasus)胸鳍条和耳石微化学的相似性特征。耳石的锶钙比值(Sr/Ca)和Sr含量图谱分型结果分别很好地对应了所研究的洄游型、淡水定居型和陆封型的典型个体。胸鳍条微化学结果显示,湖鲚和短颌鲚2类个体呈现出稳定的低Sr/Ca值(1.38±0.52)~(2.04±0.74)和(1.40±0.32)~(1.81±0.66)与刀鲚胸鳍条生活史第一阶段的特征相吻合(2.06±0.64)~(2.26±0.29),这些均反映了淡水生境“指纹”的特征。刀鲚胸鳍条Sr含量图谱和耳石相似,自核心至边缘可分为明显的3个阶段,分别对应于面分布图上自核心至边缘的蓝色、绿色、蓝色之间微化学“指纹”的变化。由此可见,刀鲚胸鳍条可以作为耳石的非致死、低损伤的代替材料,用于刀鲚洄游习性、生境履历等研究。同时,由于胸鳍条具有取样和前处理的优势,在其他鱼类资源或标志放流评价研究时,可以考虑以胸鳍条代替耳石来开展研究。
      Otolith microchemistry are widely applied in the field of fish migration ecology. However, the extraction of otoliths always results in damage to tissue and the death of the fish. Therefore, it is of great importance to discover an alternative material as a nonlethal substitute for otoliths for effective microchemical “fingerprint” analysis. Consequently, the similarities of microchemical characteristics between the pectoral fin ray and otolith of Coilia nasus were compared in this study. The ratio of Sr/Ca and classification of Sr concentration mapping results in the otolith matched the typical patterns of anadromous, freshwater, and land-locked ecotypes well. Of note, the results of the pectoral fin rays showed that C. nasus taihuensis and C. brachygnathus had consistently low Sr/Ca ratios [(1.38±0.52)~ (2.04±0.74) and (1.40±0.32)~(1.81±0.66), respectively], which coincided with the first stage of C. nasus [(2.06±0.64)~(2.26±0.29), i.e., freshwater phase], which reflected the characteristics of the freshwater habitat “fingerprints.” Furthermore, the C. nasus pectoral fin ray, like the otolith, could be divided into three distinct phases from the core to the edge, corresponding to the bluish, greenish, and bluish “fingerprint” changes in the results of mapping analysis. The present study strongly suggested that pectoral fin rays are a nonlethal and low-damage substitute for otoliths to investigate the migratory habit and conduct life history research using microchemical “fingerprint” analysis. In addition, considering the advantages of sample collection and pre-treatment, pectoral fin rays could play a role in the future as an alternative material for accurate assessment of Coilia resources and the effectiveness of artificial fish release using microchemical marking approaches.
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