Structure and Analysis of Mitochondrial Sequences of Introduced Russian Red Sea Cucumber
投稿时间:2019-05-14  修订日期:2019-11-09
中文关键词: 俄罗斯红参  线粒体基因组  系统发生
英文关键词: Russian red sea cucumber  Mitochondrial genome  Phylogenetic
赵强 烟台市海洋经济研究院 烟台 264003鲁东大学农学院 烟台 264025 
杨爽 鲁东大学农学院 烟台 264025上海海洋大学水产与生命学院 上海 201306 
刘心田 威海市渔业技术推广站 威海 264200 
孙国华 鲁东大学农学院 烟台 264025 
冯艳微 鲁东大学农学院 烟台 264025 
王卫军 鲁东大学农学院 烟台 264025 
杨建敏 鲁东大学农学院 烟台 264025 
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      本研究通过高通量测序技术对引入养殖的俄罗斯红参(Apostichopus japonicus)线粒体全基因组进行随机测序并分析,结果显示,俄罗斯红参线粒体基因组全长为16111 bp,共含有37个基因,包括22个tRNA、2个rRNA (l-rRNA和s-rRNA)和13个蛋白编码基因。全序列共存在24处基因间隔和5处基因重叠区。蛋白编码基因与全序列的碱基使用均表现出A、T偏倚。13个蛋白编码基因的密码子完整,除ND1以GTG为起始密码子外,其他均以ATN为起始密码子;终止密码子都是完整密码子,除ND2与ND4的终止密码子分别为TTG与TAG外,其他终止密码子以TAA为主;氨基酸频率最高为丝氨酸Ser(S),其次为亮氨酸Leu(L)。22个tRNA长度范围为66~72 bp,2个基因存在重复,且21个基因能预测其三叶草结构。l-rRNA与s-rRNA的长度与位置不同,对碱基的使用相似。蛋白编码基因的基因排列与海参纲(Holothuroidea)、海胆纲(Echinoidea)排列顺序相同,并与海星纲(Asteroidea)及蛇尾纲(Ophiuroidea)共享基因模块。BLAST分析表明,俄罗斯红参与仿刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)同源性最高。不同海参遗传距离分析发现,俄罗斯红参与3个海域仿刺参最为接近。基于最大似然法分别根据氨基酸与核苷酸序列构建的系统发生树显示,基于核苷酸序列的建树结果更符合亲缘关系较近的海参种类间的分析。引入养殖俄罗斯红参线粒体全序列结构与分析可为后续俄罗斯红参的遗传研究及种质应用提供支持。
      The whole genome of Russian red sea cucumber mitochondria introduced into culture was randomly sequenced and analyzed by high-throughput sequencing. The results show that the genome is 16,111 base pairs (bp) in length, and contains 37 genes, including 22 tRNA, 2 rRNA (l-rRNA, s-rRNA), and 13 protein-coding genes. There are 24 gene-spacing and 5 gene-overlap regions; both the protein-coding gene and the full-sequence pair base exhibit an A and T bias; the highest frequency of amino acid coding is Ser, followed by Leu; and the codon is complete, except ND1 with GTG as the starting codon and the others with ATN as the starting codon. Most termination codons are TAA, but the termination codons of ND2 and ND4 are TTG and TAG, respectively; The length of tRNA ranges from 66 to 72 bp, two genes are duplicated, and 21 genes predict their clover structure. The length and position of l-rRNA and s-rRNA are different, and the use of bases is similar. The gene arrangement of the protein-coding gene is the same as that of Holothuroidea and Echinoidea, and gene models are shared with Asteroidea and Ophiuroidea. A genetic distance analysis shows that the Russian red sea cucumber is closest to Apostichopus japonicus from three habitats. A BLAST analysis shows that Russian red sea cucumbers have the highest homology with A. japonicus. A phylogenetic tree was constructed based on the maximum likelihood method and the amino acid and nucleotide sequences, which provides a theoretical basis for subsequent genetic research of Russian red sea cucumbers.
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