Comparative analysis of CPUE of different fishing types in the South China Sea based on the fishing port sampling survey
投稿时间:2018-01-18  修订日期:2018-04-14
中文关键词: 渔港抽样调查  捕捞作业类型  CPUE  最优功率段
英文关键词: Fishing port sampling survey  Fishing types  CPUE  Optimal range
陶雅晋 广东海洋大学水产学院 湛江 524088 
易木荣 广东海洋大学水产学院 湛江 524088 
李波 广东海洋大学水产学院 湛江 524088 
冯波 广东海洋大学水产学院 湛江 524088广东海洋大学南海渔业资源监测与评估中心 湛江 524088广东省南海深远海渔业管理与捕捞工程技术研究中心 湛江 524088 广东海洋大学深圳研究院海洋渔业信息化技术化中心 深圳 518000 
卢伙胜 广东海洋大学水产学院 湛江 524088广东海洋大学南海渔业资源监测与评估中心 湛江 524088广东省南海深远海渔业管理与捕捞工程技术研究中心 湛江 524088 
颜云榕 广东海洋大学水产学院 湛江 524088广东海洋大学南海渔业资源监测与评估中心 湛江 524088广东省南海深远海渔业管理与捕捞工程技术研究中心 湛江 524088 广东海洋大学深圳研究院海洋渔业信息化技术化中心 深圳 518000 
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      本研究基于2016年对南海三省区的14个沿海主要渔港的连续4个季节抽样调查(共计5256航次,抽样总功率达到89.2×104 kW),以kg∙kW1∙d1作为CPUE(Catch per unit effort, 单位捕捞努力量渔获量)标准化后的单位,对南海9种捕捞作业类型渔船的CPUE进行了比较分析。结果显示,CPUE围网>CPUE双拖>CPUE刺网>CPUE罩网>CPUE张网>CPUE单拖>CPUE虾拖>CPUE笼壶>CPUE钓具。不同捕捞作业类型CPUE随渔船功率段的变化而不同,CPUE峰值数及其所对应的最优功率段(渔获率最高的功率段)也有差异,单拖和虾拖渔船的CPUE随渔船功率的变化具有1个CPUE峰值点,最优功率段分别为(200~250) kW(CPUE=8.6 kg∙kW1∙d1)和(150~200) kW(CPUE=5.0 kg∙kW1∙d1);围网、双拖、钓具和刺网渔船的CPUE随渔船功率的变化有2个CPUE峰值点,对应的最优功率段分别为(200~250) kW(CPUE=47.7 kg∙kW1∙d1)、(350~400) kW(CPUE=16.8 kg∙kW1∙d1)、(50~100) (CPUE=2.9 kg∙kW1∙d1)和(0~50) kW(CPUE=6.9 kg∙kW1∙d1)。罩网渔船CPUE随功率段变化有3个峰值点,最优功率段为(0~50) kW(CPUE=7.0 kg∙kW1∙d1)。不同捕捞作业类型CPUE季节变化表现:围网CPUE均值在春季最高,单拖、双拖、罩网、钓具和笼壶在夏季最高,张网在秋季最高,刺网和虾拖在冬季最高。
      Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) was commonly used to assess fishery resource abundance. The assessment results can be narrow when using a single special fishing type to assess the whole sea resource density due to complexity and specificity of species. In this study, kg/(kW·d) was used as the standardized unit of CPUE to analyze and compare the catch rates of different fishing types in the South China Sea. Data were collected by the investigations of fishing vessels in 14 major fishing ports of the 3 provinces and autonomous regions of Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan in 2016. Total of 5256 voyages, 892,109 kW of the fishing vesseles were sampled and investigated. The results showed that nine fishing types’ catching rate (CPUE) were ranked as seine > pair trawl > gillnet > falling-net > stow net > otter trawl > shrimp trawl > pot > fishing tackle. The changing trend of different fishing types’ CPUE were different with the power level of main engine. And the number of CPUE peaks and their corresponding optimal range (the highest rate of capture of the power range) were not the same, specific performances: Variation of CPUE of otter trawl and shrimp trawl showed one peak with the trend of rising first and declining later, corresponding optimal ranges of (200~250) kW (CPUE=8.6 kg∙kW1∙d1) and (150~ 200) kW (CPUE=5.0 kg∙kW1∙d1) for otter trawl and shrimp trawl respectively. Two peaks of variation were showed on CPUE of seine, pair trawl trawler, fishing tackle and gillnet, with the trend of first to decline then rise and last decline, corresponding optimal range: (200~250) kW (CPUE=47.7 kg∙kW1∙d1) for seine, (350~400) kW (CPUE=16.8 kg∙kW1∙d1) for pair trawl, (50~100) (CPUE=2.9 kg∙kW1∙d1) for fishing tackle, (0~50) kW (CPUE=6.9 kg∙kW1∙d1) for gillnet. Three peaks of variation were shown on CPUE of falling-net, corresponding optimal range was (0~50) kW (CPUE=7.0 kg∙kW1∙d1). Seasonal variation of CPUE of different fishing types performed as the mean CPUE of seine was the highest in spring, CPUE of otter trawl, pair trawl, falling-net, fishing tackle and pot were highest in summer, CPUE of stow net were highest in autumn, CPUE of gillnet and shrimp trawl were highest in the winter.
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