陈 洁,张继红,李加琦,张义涛,隋海东,吴文广,牛亚丽,高振锟.桑沟湾筏式养殖鼠尾藻(Sargassum thunbergii)的生长特性.渔业科学进展,2016,37(1):120-126 |
桑沟湾筏式养殖鼠尾藻(Sargassum thunbergii)的生长特性 |
The Growth Characteristics of Long-line Cultured Seaweed Sargassum thunbergii in the Sanggou Bay |
投稿时间:2015-01-09 修订日期:2015-06-05 |
DOI:10.11758/yykxjz.20150109001 |
中文关键词: 筏式养殖 鼠尾藻 桑沟湾 附着生物 |
英文关键词: Suspended long-line culture Sargassum thunbergii Sanggou Bay Biofouling |
基金项目:黄渤海区典型海湾复合养殖技术集成与示范(2011BAD13B06)和贝藻养殖的固碳潜力与调控因子研究课题(2014A01YY01)共同资助。 |
摘要点击次数: 4262 |
全文下载次数: 4074 |
中文摘要: |
2014年4–6月在桑沟湾海区进行鼠尾藻(Sargassum thunbergii)海上筏式养殖实验,分析了鼠尾藻在桑沟湾的生长特性,调查了藻体上的附着生物。结果显示,(1) 鼠尾藻在桑沟湾海域生长迅速,水温为10–17℃时特定生长率最高,可达6.10%/d;根据特定生长率与水温的关系,获得了鼠尾藻的最佳生长温度为14.9℃;(2) 5月10日开始有生殖托形成,水温达到20.4℃时,鼠尾藻生殖托大量成熟,并有放散;(3) 养殖期间,鼠尾藻最大长度达187.05 cm,均长可达112.31 cm;干湿比由0.147(4月)上升至0.189(6月);每公顷产量可达43.95 t (湿重),相当于干重为8.25 t;(4) 藻体上有大型附着生物16种,主要优势种为尖嘴扁颌针鱼鱼卵、玻璃海鞘和海绵;附着生物的生物量随着水温升高而增加。研究表明,海区的附着生物对鼠尾藻的生长影响不大,在桑沟湾大规模养殖鼠尾藻是可行的。 |
英文摘要: |
Sargassum thunbergii is a widely-used seaweed feed in aquaculture of sea cucumber in China. Due to the large consumption in the rapid growing sea cucumber farming, artificial cultivation of S. thunbergii has become a popular option, and better understanding of the growth characteristics of S. thunbergii is essential in establishing a highly efficient maricultural technique. Here we studied the growth characteristics of long-line cultured S. thunbergii in the Sanggou Bay in April to June of 2014. The species and biomass of biofouling attached to the seaweed were also investigated. The results were shown below: (1) S. thunbergii survived and grew well in the Sanggou Bay and the maximal SGR (specific growth rate) reached 6.10 (%/d) at 10–17℃. The optimum growth temperature was 14.9℃ according to the relationship between the temperature and SGR. (2) Starting from May 10th, the reproductive branches could be observed and most of the mature sexual reproduction appeared when the seawater temperature reached 20.4℃. (3) At this stage, the maximum thallus length of S. thunbergii was 187.05 cm, and the maximum average length was 112.31 cm. The ratio of wet-to-dry weight rose from 0.147 (in May) to 0.189 (in June). The estimated total production per hectare was 43.95 t in wet weight and 8.25 t in dry weight. (4) Sixteen species of macro-biofouling were identified and the dominant species were Pachychalina variabilis, Ciona intestinalis and eggs of Ablennes anastomella. The biomass of biofouling increased along with the rise in temperature. Therefore, it is feasible to run large-scale long-line culture of S. thunbergii in the Sanggou Bay. |
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