Ecological observation on Sargassum thunbergii cultivated in ponds
投稿时间:2012-05-17  修订日期:2012-11-14
中文关键词: 鼠尾藻  池塘栽培  环境因子  生物量  生殖托
英文关键词: Sargassum thunbergii  Pond culture  Environmental factors  Biomass  Receptacle
胡凡光 山东省海水养殖研究所青岛 266002 
王志刚 山东省海水养殖研究所青岛 266002 
李美真 山东省海水养殖研究所青岛 266002 
徐智广 山东省海水养殖研究所青岛 266002 
王翔宇 山东省海水养殖研究所青岛 266002 
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      2009年3月至2010年7月对鼠尾藻池塘栽培生长情况进行了研究分析。试验根据池塘水环境因子(水温、光照强度、盐度和pH)及鼠尾藻的生长特性设置了自然苗、人工苗、帘子苗生长对比试验,不同水层栽培试验,不同流速栽培试验及不同光照强度对鼠尾藻生长影响的试验。结果表明:(1)相同试验条件下,自然苗生长最好,帘子苗其次,人工苗生长最慢。(2)不同水层栽培显示:40~60 cm水层鼠尾藻生长最好;其次是0~20 cm水层;再次80~100 cm水层; 150~200 cm水层生长最慢,并且于5月中旬即开始衰退脱落。(3)流速1 m / s条件下鼠尾藻生长最快,随着流速的逐渐降低鼠尾藻生长也逐渐变慢。(4)光照强度为4000~6000 lx时鼠尾藻生长良好,高于10000 lx或低于3000 lx则鼠尾藻生长相对较缓慢。观察发现,池塘水温在12~18 ℃时鼠尾藻生长最快,在9 ℃~12 ℃和18 ℃~24 ℃时生长较缓慢,24 ℃以上停止生长并出现腐烂脱落现象。
      To investigate the bioremediation function of Sargassum thunbergii, the seaweed was cultivated in pond from March 2009 to July 2010, and the growth of thalli cultured in four modes with different temperature, light intensity, salinity or pH was determined. The results showed that: 1) under the same experimental conditions, wild seedlings grew faster than the curtain seedlings, and artificial seedlings grew even slower; 2) water-level between 40 cm and 60 cm was most suitable for the growth of S. thunbergii, and the ranking was 0-20 cm, 80-100 cm, and 150-200 cm, which achieved the slowest growth and the thalli began to drop off due to decaying in mid May; 3) the thalli grew most rapidly at water flow rate of 1 m/s, which slowed down with the decrease of flow rate; 4) the thalli growth was at its best at light intensities between 4000 lx ~6000 lx, and the growth rate was relatively slower with the light intensity above 10000 lx or below 3000 lx. Additionally, this study also showed that from late April to mid May (water temperature, 14-18oC), S. thunbergii entered fast-growth stage, with rapid increase of length and biomass; from mid May to early June (water temperature, 18-23oC), the seaweed started to spawn and its length and biomass reached the maximal values; from mid-to-late June (water temperature, >24oC), the seaweed began to decay and rot off, due to the increase of water temperature.
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