Morphological development and growth of larval and juvenile Hexagrammos otakii
投稿时间:2011-09-23  修订日期:2012-07-17
中文关键词: 大泷六线鱼  仔、稚、幼鱼  形态发育  生长
英文关键词: Hexagrammos otakii  Larval and juvenile fish  Morphological development  Growth
胡发文 山东省海水养殖研究所青岛 266002 
郭文 山东省海水养殖研究所青岛 266002 
潘雷 山东省海水养殖研究所青岛 266002 
高凤祥 山东省海水养殖研究所青岛 266002 
菅玉霞 山东省海水养殖研究所青岛 266002 
张少春 山东省海水养殖研究所青岛 266002 
王雪 山东省海水养殖研究所青岛 266002 
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      2009~2011年开展了大泷六线鱼规模化人工繁育技术的研究。通过显微观察、测量、拍摄记录大泷六线鱼仔、稚、幼鱼形态发育变化,并对其生长特性、摄食习性等进行了分析。大泷六线鱼初孵仔鱼全长6.18±0.50 mm(n=60)。在水温16.0±0.5℃、盐度31、光照500~1 000lx条件下,大泷六线鱼仔、稚、幼鱼生长呈现先慢后快再慢3个阶段:0~7d生长较为缓慢,3日龄仔鱼卵黄囊尚存,少部分仔鱼开始摄食轮虫;6日龄仔鱼卵黄囊消耗殆尽,开始摄食卤虫无节幼体,进入外源性营养阶段,7d后进入快速生长期;48日龄仔鱼开始进行配合饲料转化,生长速度趋缓,并逐渐稳定。依照TL=aD3+bD2+cD+d的方程式对前80日龄大泷六线鱼的全长与日龄进行回归,构建生长模型:TL(0~80) = -0.0002D3 + 0.0281D2 - 0.155 7D + 7.376(R2 = 0.9939),并根据其生长规律分别构建了0~7d、7~48d和48~80d的生长模型:TL(0~7)= 0.0046D3 -0.0572D2 + 0.3831D + 6.1751(R2 = 0.9971),TL(7~48)= 0.0005D3 -0.0267D2 + 0.931D + 2.269(R2 = 0.997 3),TL(48~80)= -0.0001D3 + 0.0187D2-0.2045D + 24.646(R2 = 0.9998)。
      The post embryonic morphological development of Hexagrammos otakii was observed, measured and recorded by a micro cinematographic system to explore the morphological development characteristics in different stages of larval and juvenile fish. Newly hatched larvae, 6.18±0.50 mm long and depending entirely on the egg contained energy, were nursed at 16.0±0.5℃, salinity 31, illumination 500~1 000 lx. At 3 dph (days post hatching), 7.55±0.27mm in length, with the rudimental yolk sac at abdomen, some larvae started feeding rotifers, and the development entered the exogenous feeding stage. After yolk was exhausted at 6 dph, the larvae started feeding Arternia nauplii. At 48 dph, the larvae started feeding compound feeds. The relationship between total length (TL) and days post hatching (D) for 0~7d,7~48d,and 48~80d fish was described as: TL(0~80) = -0.000 2D3 + 0.028 1D2 -0.155 7D + 7.376(R2 = 0.993 9); TL(0~7)= 0.004 6D3 -0.057 2D2 + 0.383 1D + 6.175 1(R2 = 0.997 1); TL(7~48)= 0.000 5D3-0.026 7D2 + 0.931D + 2.269(R2 = 0.997 3); TL(48~80)= -0.0001D3 + 0.018 7D2-0.204 5D +24.646(R2 = 0.999 8).
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