Early ontogeny of chromatophores and body color changes of Acanthopagrus schlegelii
投稿时间:2011-12-21  修订日期:2012-03-08
中文关键词: 黑棘鲷  黑色素  黄色素  彩虹色素
英文关键词: Acanthopagrus schlegelii  Melanophore  Xanthophore  Iridophore
于道德 山东省海水养殖研究所青岛 266002 
刘洪军 山东省海水养殖研究所青岛 266002 
关健 山东省海水养殖研究所青岛 266002 
王其翔 山东省海水养殖研究所青岛 266002 
官曙光 山东省海水养殖研究所青岛 266002 
周健 山东省海水养殖研究所青岛 266002 
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      对黑棘鲷早期发育过程中体色和色素细胞的分布及形态变化进行了连续观察。结果表明,黑棘鲷幼体黑色素在原口关闭前期开始出现,黄色素在嗅囊期出现,彩虹色素出现较晚,孵化后6d(Day post hatching, dph)在眼球上端出现,而后密集于腹腔(28 dph)以及鳃盖骨附近(32 dph)。黑色素细胞在发育过程中,不仅数量增多,而且形状也由点状逐渐变成以树枝状和雪花状为主,为幼体黑色素的发育过程;28 dph幼体黑色素完全被成体黑色素替代,形态上再次变为小点状。黄色素几乎伴随着黑色素的分布,色素细胞几乎无形态变化,最终被黑色素覆盖而不明显。初孵仔鱼,尾端6~8体节躯干部具有黑色素丛,构成了该鱼的种属特征。在28 dph,体色发育进入到模式形成期,首先在躯干部形成相互间隔的3个色素带,至40 dph共7条色素带形成,完成体色的模式发育。
      The morphological characteristics and distribution of chromatophores, as well as body color changes during early life history(0~40dph) of Acanthopagrus schlegelii were observed and photographed.The larval melanophores occurred firstly at blastopore colsure stage. Larval xanthophores occurred at olfactory vesicle stage,and iridophores at 6dph on the upper side of eye, then on the abdominal cavity (28dph) and around the opercle (32dph). Melanophores appeared as spots, then formed dendrites,and the number of cells with dendrites increased during the ontogenetic process. At 28dph, the larval melanophores were substituted by adult spotted melanophores. Xanthophores coocurred with the melanophores during the early ontogeny, then obscured due to the overlapping by melanophores with no obvious morphological changes during the entire study. Melanin aggregation at 6~8 segements from the tail in newly-hatched larvae became a special characteristics of this species. At 28dph, the larval body color developed into the pattern formation stage, and firstly three stripes formed, then seven stripes at 40dph. And from then on, the body color was similar to that of the adult, which suggests that the mode pattern was already formed.
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