Investigation and analysis of trawl gears in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea area
投稿时间:2011-02-28  修订日期:2011-04-19
中文关键词: 黄渤海区  拖网渔具  综合调查  特点分析
英文关键词: Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea area  Trawl gear  Investigation analysis
孙中之 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 
周军 河北省水产研究所 
王俊 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 
赵振良 河北省水产研究所 
庄申 河北省水产研究所 
陈孛 农业部黄渤海区渔政局 
阎伟 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 
许玉甫 河北省水产研究所 
王成华 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 
高文斌 河北省水产研究所 
孟维东 河北省渔政处 
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      2010年6~7月,对黄渤海区沿海一线的32个主要渔港渔村和5家网具生产厂的拖网渔具渔法情况进行了综合定性调查(访问)和定量(测量)研究,调查分析了拖网渔具的作业原理、渔期、渔场、渔具配比、渔船功率等及网口周长、网衣总长、网口网目尺寸、囊网最小网目尺寸等现状。结果表明,环黄渤海区共有各种类型的拖网船25 000余艘;小型拖网渔船比例高达80%,主要分布在渤海海域和黄海的部分近岸海域。共调查到34种拖网网型,分别为:有翼单囊单船小型底拖网7种,有翼单囊单船小型浮拖网1种,有翼单囊双船小型底拖网1种,有翼单囊双船小型浮拖网两种,单船桁杆多囊拖网1种,单船桁杆、框架单囊拖网5种,有翼单囊单船中型底拖网5种,有翼单囊单船大型底拖网两种,有翼单囊单船大、中型浮拖网两种,有翼单囊双船中型底拖网3种和有翼单囊双船大、中型浮拖网5种。拖网捕捞强度大大超出渔业资源承受能力,渔获物品种低值、幼小;生计渔业与商业捕捞矛盾突出。翼网和网口网目尺寸大型化、囊网网目尺寸小型化,整个网具大型化;最大网型翼网网目尺寸16 000 mm,网口网目尺寸15 000 mm,网口周长840 m,网衣总长长度170 m,囊网最小网目尺寸40~45 mm或18~20 mm;个别囊网最小网目尺寸仅6~8 mm。传统的桁杆拖网衍生出框架拖网和弓子网。底拖网底纲配置不合理,对海底底质及底栖生物破坏严重。渔具标准缺失较多,科研滞后。
      Situation of trawl gears and fishing methods in 32 major fishing ports and villages, and 5 fishing gear plants, distributed along the coast of Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea area,have been investigated or visited in the terms of working principle of fishing equipment, fishing season, fishing grounds, fishing equipment allocated proportion, fishing vessels power etc.during June~July, 2010.Also, the situations of circumference of net mouth, net total length, net mouth mesh size, and the smallest mesh size of cod-end were surveyed. All types 25000 trawlers were found in surroundings of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea area, and the proportion of small trawlers reached as high as 80%, mainly distributed in the Bohai Sea area and some inshore waters of the Yellow Sea. Totally 34 kinds of trawl nets were found: 7 kinds of the small single-vessel ground-trawl with double-wings and single-cod-end, 1 kind of the small single-vessel floating-trawl with double-wings and single-cod-end and,1 kind of the small double-vessels ground-trawl with double-wings and single-cod-end, 2 kinds of the small double-vessels floating-trawl with double-wings and single-cod-end, 1 kind of the single-vessel beam trawl with double-cod-ends, 5 kinds of the single-vessel beam framework trawl with single-cod-end, 5 kinds of the medium single-vessel ground-trawl with double-wings and single-cod-end, 2 kinds of the large-scale single-vessel ground-trawl with double-wings and single-cod-end, 2 kinds of the large and medium-scale single-vessel floating-trawl with double-wings and single-cod-end, 3 kinds of the medium double-vessels ground-trawl with double-wings and single-cod-endand 5 kinds of the large and medium scale single-vessel floating-trawl with double-wings and single-cod-end.The trawling intensity greatly exceeds the reproduction capacity of fishery resources, and the fishing yields are of low-value and immaturity.Subsistence fishing and commercial fishing at the same time also showed the prominent contradictions. The mesh size of wing and net mouth is getting bigger, the mesh size of cod-end is getting smaller, and the entire trawl gear shows a tendency of size increase. The largest mesh size of wing is 16 000mm, the largest mesh size of net mouth is 15 000mm, the circumference of net mouth is 840m, the net total length is 170m, the smallest mesh size of cod-end is 40~45mm or 18~20mm, and the individual minimum mesh size of cod-end is only 6~8mm. The seabed and benthic organisms were seriously damaged by ground wire of the beam framework trawl and the bow-frame trawl. The fishing equipment needs standardization and calls for scientific research.
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