Effect of Gracilaria lemaneiformis on the growth of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus and the environment
投稿时间:2011-01-13  修订日期:2011-03-03
中文关键词: 刺参  龙须菜  混养  水质  底质
英文关键词: Apostichopus japonicus  Gracilaria lemaneiformis  Polyculture  Water quality  Sediment
王肖君 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所上海海洋大学水产与生命学院 
孙慧玲 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 
谭杰 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 
高菲 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 
燕敬平 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 
陈爱华 山东省乳山市水产技术推广站 
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      2010年5~7月在山东威海乳山杜家岛基地,采用陆基围隔生态学实验方法和正交设计法,在不投饵模式下进行刺参Apostichopus japonicus和龙须菜Gracilaria lemaneiformis混养实验。刺参密度分别为15、20、25 ind/m2,龙须菜初始密度分别为0、180、360 g/m2,比较了不同处理下幼参和龙须菜的生长存活情况,并定期检测环境营养盐的变化。结果表明,刺参平均日增重率(Mdwg)、特定生长率(SGR)受刺参密度的影响显著,受龙须菜密度的影响不显著,受刺参与龙须菜之间交互效应影响不显著;刺参密度为15 ind/m2、龙须菜密度为360 g/m2时刺参平均日增重率、特定生长率最大;刺参密度为25 ind/m2、龙须菜密度为360 g/m2时龙须菜产量最高,刺参密度为25 ind/m2、龙须菜密度为180 g/m2时龙须菜特定生长率最高。水质分析结果表明,刺参密度为15 ind/m2时底泥总氮、总磷含量降幅最大。实验结果显示,龙须菜和刺参混养可在一定条件下改善水质条件,提高刺参的特定生长率,在本实验条件下刺参密度15 ind/m2、龙须菜密度360 g/m2的混养配比较合理,其生态互利效果最好。
      Polyculture of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus and Gracilaria lemaneiformis was conducted in land-based enclosures at orthogonal design during May~July,2010. A. japonicus was cultured at densities of 15,20,25 ind/m2 without feed,and G.lemaneiformis was cultured at densities of 0,180,360 g/m2. The growth and survival of A. japonicus and G.lemaneiformis were compared for different treatments and the changes of environmental nutrient were also detected. The results showed that the final average weight (Wf) , daily weight gain (Mdwg) and Specific Growth Rate (SGR) of A. japonicus were significantly affected by the density of A.japonicus . Wf, Mdwg and SGR of A. japonicus were not significantly affected by the density of G. lemaneiformis. The highest Wf, Mdwg and SGR of A. japonicus were obtained when the density of A. japonicus and G. lemaneiformis were 15 ind/m2and 360 g/m2 respectively. The highest yield of G. lemaneiformis was acquired when the density of A. japonicus and G. lemaneiformis were 25 ind/m2 and 360 g/m2 respectively. The highest SGR of G. lemaneiformis was obtained when the density of A. japonicus and G. lemaneiformis were 25 ind/m2 and 180 g/m2 respectively. The analysis of water quality showed that the content of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in mud declined most sharply when the density of A. japonicus was 15 ind/m2. In summary, polyculture of A.japonicus and G. lemaneiformis could improve water quality and increase the SGR of A. japonicus.
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