Study on the artificial eco aquaculture of the three-spot seahorse, Hippocampus trimaculatus Leach
投稿时间:2010-12-29  修订日期:2011-03-22
中文关键词: 三斑海马  人工生态养殖  水质调控  天然饵料
英文关键词: Three-spot seahorse  Eco-aquaculture  Water quality control  Natural prey
徐永健 宁波大学生命科学与生物工程学院 
陆慧贤 宁波大学生命科学与生物工程学院 
卢光明 宁波大学生命科学与生物工程学院 
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      通过构建三斑海马的生态养殖环境、培育天然活体饵料,形成人工生态系统,提高了幼体的成活率。通过施用发酵鸡粪(即把备用的晒干鸡粪,加水发酵使其熟化)50 g/m3或尿素10 g/m3,5~7 d后,投放海马幼体200 ind/m3;放苗28 d后,栽培菊花江蓠(密度0.5~2 kg/m3)作为水质调控、遮光及养殖海马的缠绕物。江蓠的栽培构建了海马天然饵料的培育场所,藻丛中的小型甲类生物密度达450个/100 g以上,形成了良好的养殖三斑海马的人工生态环境,经146 d的养殖,生态养殖与投饵养殖模式比较,收获的三斑海马成活率和标准体长分别为70.8%、42.5%,11.13 cm、10.04 cm。
      Seahorse aquaculture is challenged by insufficient feeding supply and lack of knowledge of nutritional requirements, resulting in low survival rate and poor economical profitability. We report here an integrated eco-aquaculture system in which the seahorse and its natural prey were co-cultured with red alga Garcilaria lichevoids in cement ponds. Urea (10 g/m3)and chicken manure (50 g/m3) were used to fertilize the water. Seahorse juveniles were stocked at 200 ind./m3after 5~7 days. After 4 weeks, red alga was transplanted into these ponds to regulate water quality and light, and provide holdfast. The density of red alga was controlled between 0.5 and 2 kg/m3. The introduction of alga provides habitats for small crustacean. Within the macroalgal clusters, small crustacean was over 450 individuals per 100 g of fresh alga. After breeding of 146-day period, seahorse survival rates were 70.8% and 42.5%, and body lengths of seahorse were 11.13 cm and 10.04 cm in integrated eco-aquaculture system and monoculture, respectively. This system incorporated traditional Chinese aquaculture technique of cultivating live feed by fertilizing the water. Results from the experiments suggest that the integrated system is technically feasible, suitable and exemplary.
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