Structure characteristics of planktonic microalgae community in Litopenaeus vannamei shoal water culture ponds in western Guangdong
投稿时间:2010-10-11  修订日期:2011-01-21
中文关键词: 凡纳滨对虾  海水滩涂养殖池塘  浮游微藻  群落结构  优势种
英文关键词: Litopenaeus vannamei  Shoal water culture ponds  Microalgae  Community structure  Dominant specie
彭聪聪 中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所上海海洋大学 
李卓佳 中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所 
曹煜成 中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所 
刘孝竹 中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所 
胡晓娟 中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所暨南大学水生生物研究所 
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      对4个凡纳滨对虾海水滩涂养殖池塘的浮游微藻进行定期跟踪调查,并对其群落结构特征进行了分析。结果共检出浮游微藻6门91种,其中蓝藻30种,绿藻15种,硅藻37种,甲藻5种,裸藻两种,金藻两种。优势种有顿顶节旋藻Arthrospira platensis、蛋白核小球藻Chlorella pyrenoidosa、显微蹄形藻Kirchneriella microscopica、微小多甲藻Peridinium pusillum、新月菱形藻Nitzschia closterium、加德纳鞘丝藻Lyngbya gardneri、绿色颤藻Oscillatoria chlorina、盐泽颤藻Oscillatoria salina、微小念珠藻Nostoc microscopicum、易略颤藻Oscillatoria neglecta、威利颤藻Oscillatoria willei等。在养殖前期浮游微藻的个体数量介于5.12×104~95.41×104ind/L之间,生物量为1.95~118 μg/L,多样性指数平均为0.84~2.16,绿藻类和硅藻类较为常见;到养殖中后期浮游微藻的个体数量介于66.11×104~1.28×109ind/L之间,生物量为13.3~11.87×103 μg/L,多样性指数平均为1.64~2.87,颤藻类逐渐演替为优势种。养殖期间浮游藻类的种类数、个体数量、生物量及多样性指数均总体表现为养殖前期低、后期高的变化规律,但在养殖中期,受台风等恶劣天气影响,虾池水体理化因子和微藻密度出现波动。
      Planktonic microalgae in shrimp ponds play the role of primary producers, and have a major impact on material cycle and energy supply of the water ecosystem. The continual and regular surveys on the planktonic microalgae community were conducted in four Litopenaeus vannamai shoal water culture ponds at Guanlida Biotechnology Corporation in Dianbai, Maoming, Guangdong Province. Moreover, the community compositions of planktonic microalgae in shrimp ponds and their characteristics were analyzed. The results showed that a total of 91 planktonic microalgae species were identified during the culture period. Among them, 30 species were Cyanophyta, 15 were Chlorophyta, 37 were Bacillariophyta, 5 were Pyrrophyta, 2 were Euglenophyta, and 2 were Chrysophyceae. The dominant species were Arthrospira platensis, Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Kirchneriella microscopica, Peridinium pusillum, Nitzschia closterium, Lyngbya gardneri, Oscillatoria chlorina, Oscillatoria salina, Nostoc microscopicum, Oscillatoria neglecta, and Oscillatoria willei. During the early culture period, the range of the quantities of planktonic microalgae, the biomass and the diversity index averages were 5.12×104~95.41×104ind/L, 1.95~1.18×102μg/L, and 0.84~2.16, respectively. Chlorophyta and Bacillariophyta often appeared. However, in the middle and final phases, the averagesplanktonic microalgae density, the averages of biomass and the diversity index ranged in 66.11×104~1.28×109ind/L, 13.3~11.87×103μg/L, and 1.64~2.87 respectively, and Oscillatoria gradually became the dominant species. The present study demonstrated that all the planktonic microalgae density, biomass and diversity index showed the same trend that they were generally low at the initial phase of the culture period and became high at the final phase. However, in mid-late July, the planktonic microalgae density and the physical and chemical factors in water fluctuated under the influence of severe weather conditions resulted from typhoon etc.
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