Elimination of NO2- in Carassius auratus and impact of chlorine and bromine ion on its absorption
投稿时间:2008-12-22  修订日期:2009-03-10
中文关键词: 亚硝酸盐  消除  氯化钠  溴化钠
英文关键词: Nitrite  Elimination  NaCl  NaBr
陈永平 农业部渔业环境及水产品质量监督检验测试中心天津 300221 
林黎明 .山东出入境检验检疫局青岛 266000 
宫庆礼 中国海洋大学青岛 266003 
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      研究了浸浴给药方式下,亚硝酸盐在鲫鱼(Carassius auratus)体内的药物动力学和残留情况,同时研究了Cl-,Br-对鲫鱼吸收NO2-离子的影响。结果显示:在(18±2)℃水温条件下,以60 mg/L亚硝酸盐水体浸浴10d后,其血药浓度-时间数据用一级吸收二室模型描述较为合适,血液和肌肉的主要药动学参数:t1 /2α、t1 /2β、AUC及Cl ( s)分别为0.92 d、1.50 d,5.36 d、 7.98 d,0.72 d*mg/L(kg)、1.10 d*mg/L(kg),83.1 mg/L(kg)/d、 54.7 mg/L(kg)/d。线性回归系数r=0.9999,方法检出限为0.01mg/kg,回收率78.0%~93.7%,相对标准偏差4.88%~9.17%。肌肉作为可食性组织,且消除最慢,因此选取肌肉组织作为残留检测的靶组织,以0.02 mg/kg为最高残留限量,因此在本试验条件下,建议在(18±2)℃水温条件下,休药期不低于10 d。检测结果表明加入氯化钠、溴化钠后各组织亚硝酸盐的含量前者最低,对照组最高,结果表明Cl-对NO2-吸收影响程度比Br-高,氯溴离子可以减轻亚硝酸盐的毒害性。
      The present study investigated pharmacokinetics and residues of nitrite in Carassius auratus. Simultaneously, the impact of chlorine and bromine ion absorption was studied. C. auratus exposed to nitrite at a concentration of 60 mg/L bath water for 10d at 18±2℃. The concentration of the drug in the serum and muscle could be described as a two compartmental open model, the main pharmacokinetics parameters are t1 /2α, t1 /2β; AUC, Cl ( s): 0.92 d, 1.50 d; 5.36 d, 7.98 d; 0.72 d*mg/L(kg), 1.10 d*mg/L(kg); 83.1 mg/L(kg)/d, 54.7 mg/L(kg)/d. The limit of quantification(LQ)was 0.01 mg/kg. The linear plots were obtained, r=0.9999. Average recoveries were between 78.0%~93.7% with RSD values between 4.88%~9.17.%. According to the maximum residue limit (MRL) of 0.02 mg/kg in muscle, the withdrawal period should not be less than 10 d under this experiment condition in C. auratus at the water temperature of 18 ±2℃. The other results showed the groups appended NaCl, NaBr were lower than only nitrite solution in three tissues. The groups appended NaCl was lowest. The results showed that effect of Cl- was better compared with Br-, and chlorine and bromine ion could reduce nitrite toxicity.
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