Study on triploid induction of Argopectens irradias (Lamarck) in low salinity seawater
投稿时间:2009-11-07  修订日期:2009-12-04
中文关键词: 海湾扇贝  低盐度  三倍体  D形幼虫孵化率
英文关键词: Argopectens irradias  Low salinity  Triploid  D-shaped larvae hatching rate
于瑞海 中国海洋大学水产学院青岛 266003 
王昭萍 中国海洋大学水产学院青岛 266003 
邸炜鹏 中国海洋大学水产学院青岛 266003 
张晨晨 中国海洋大学水产学院青岛 266003 
高倩 中国海洋大学水产学院青岛 266003 
段金龙 中国海洋大学水产学院青岛 266003 
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      通过低盐海水浸泡海湾扇贝受精卵抑制受精卵第二极体释放的方法诱导海湾扇贝产生三倍体。当海湾扇贝的受精卵40%出现第一极体时,立即用不同盐度梯度即22.5、20、17.55、15、12.5、10、7.5、对照组(盐度30)的海水对受精卵进行处理10、15 min后,马上将处理的受精卵移入正常海水中孵化。实验结果表明,不同梯度低盐海水可以诱导海湾扇贝产生三倍体,盐度为20以上时,三倍体诱导率小于2.91%,但随着盐度的下降,三倍体诱导率迅速提高,当盐度为12.5时,三倍体诱导率高达85.91%。当盐度低于7.5时,由于D 形幼虫极少,三倍体诱导率无法测出。在处理时间上,15 min的处理效果比10 min处理效果好。因此,本研究在低盐度条件下抑制受精卵第二极体产生海湾扇贝三倍体的最佳处理方法是低盐范围在12.5~15之间,处理时间为15 min,三倍体诱导率高,孵化率也较高,适合生产上推广应用。
      Triploid induction of Argopectens irradias (Lamarck) was achieved through inhibiting the second polar body release by soaking fertilized eggs in sea water with low salinity, and the effect of different salinity treatment on triploid induction was examined. When 40% eggs reached the first polar body stage, the eggs were soaked in sea water with salinities of 30, 22.5, 20, 17.5, 15, 12.5, 10 and 7.5 for 10 min or 15 min respectively. The eggs were then transferred into the normal salinity seawater for 24h hatching. Triploid rate was no more than 2.91% when the salinity was above 20. However, with the decrease of salinity, triploid induction was enhanced so dramatically that the rate of triploid reached up to 85.91% at salinity of 12.5. Though, when the salinity was below 7.5, due to the lack of D-shaped larvae, the triploid rate could not be measured. The results show that the induction effect of 15 min treatment is better than 10 min. The experiment results suggest that the best triploid induction of A. irradias is achieved by bathing in seawater at salinities of 12.5~15 for 15 min.KEY WORDSArgopectens irradiasLow salinityTriploidD shaped larvae hatching rate
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