李惠玉,凌建忠,李圣法.黄、东海底栖性甲壳动物种类组成的季节变化.渔业科学进展,2009,30(3):13-19 |
黄、东海底栖性甲壳动物种类组成的季节变化 |
Seasonal composition of crustacean species in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea |
投稿时间:2008-03-14 修订日期:2008-05-19 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 甲壳动物 种类组成 优势种 季节变化 |
英文关键词: Crustacean Species composition Dominant species Seasonal variation |
基金项目:国家科技部公益性研究项目(2004)资助 |
摘要点击次数: 3322 |
全文下载次数: 2357 |
中文摘要: |
根据2004年春、夏、秋和冬季在东、黄海底拖网渔业资源监测调查资料,分析了东、黄海甲壳动物种类组成的季节变化。四季共捕获虾类33种、蟹类12种和虾蛄3种。东、黄海的优势种有:大管鞭虾、假长缝拟对虾、鹰爪虾、长角赤虾、凹管鞭虾、脊腹褐虾、东海红虾、高脊管鞭虾、双斑蟳、三疣梭子蟹和口虾蛄,其中,大管鞭虾、假长缝拟对虾和鹰爪虾为调查海域的主要优势种。多样性指数中的丰富度指数(D)与多样度指数(H‘)的四季变化趋势一致。在春季,由北到南呈下降趋势;夏、秋两季由北到南呈上升趋势;冬季则处于东海北部较高、黄海南部和东海中部较低的趋势。均匀度指数(J’)在3个区域各个季节之间相差不大。相似性指数结果表明,东海中部的群落相对稳定,而东海北部具有黄海南部和东海中部的群落特征。 |
英文摘要: |
Seasonal species composition of crustacean was analyzed based on the data from the fishery resource monitoring investigation carried out in spring (April), summer (June), autumn (September) and winter (December) of 2004 in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea. A total of 33 species of shrimp, 12 species of crab and 3 species of stomatopod were collected. The dominant species in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea was identified as: Solenocera melantho, Parapenaeus fissuroides, Trachypenaeus curvirostris, Metapenaeopsis longirostris, Solenocera koelbeli, Crangon hakodatei, Plesionika izumiae, Solenocera alticarinata, Charybdis bimaculata, Portunus trituberculatus and Oratosquilla oratoria. Among theses, S. melantho, P. fissuroides and T. curvirostris were the main dominant species in the survey area. The biodiversity 〖JP2〗of crustacean in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea was indicated by 3 indices: Margalef index (D), Shannon Wienner index (H') and Pielou's evenness index (J'). D and H' trended to decrease from the northern to the southern area in spring, increased from the north to the south in summer and autumn, and showed high value in the north of the East China Sea (ECSN) and low value in the south Yellow Sea (YSS) and the middle of the East China Sea (ECSM) in spring. J' showed little difference among seasons in all areas. The community of the ECSM showed a relative stabilization, while the community characteristics of ECSN varied with season. |
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