Effects of dietary vitamin E levels on growth and nonspecific immunity of red drum Sciaenops ocellatus
投稿时间:2007-10-25  修订日期:2007-12-24
中文关键词: 美国红鱼  维生素E  生长免疫力
英文关键词: Red drum Sciaenops ocellatus  Vitamin E  Growth  Immunity
周立斌 (1华南师范大学生命科学学院 广东省高等学校生态与环境科学重点实验室广州 510631) (2惠州学院生命科学系516007) 
王安利 (1华南师范大学生命科学学院 广东省高等学校生态与环境科学重点实验室广州 510631) 
张伟 (1华南师范大学生命科学学院 广东省高等学校生态与环境科学重点实验室广州 510631) 
张海发 (3广东省大亚湾水产试验中心惠州 516081) (3广东省大亚湾水产试验中心惠州 516081) 
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      采用单因子实验设计方法,进行了饲料中添加维生素E对美国红鱼生长(存活率、特定生长率和饲料效率)和非特异性免疫相关指标(血清中溶菌酶活性、血清总补体活性和超氧化物岐化酶(SOD)活性)影响的研究,设计了5个不同维生素E水平(0.1、25.3、51.0、102.8和203.2 mg/kg)的等氮等能饲料,对美国红鱼进行为期56d的生长实验,每个水平3个重复,每个养殖单元放养初始体重为151g左右的美国红鱼20尾。饲养实验在海水网箱(1.5 m×1.0 m×1.0 m)中进行。结果表明,随着饲料维生素E含量增加,美国红鱼饲料效率、特定生长率和成活率显著提高,美国红鱼最佳生长性能的饲料维生素E添加量为102.8 mg/kg;美国红鱼血清溶菌酶和血清总补体活性随着维生素E的添加量的增加而显著升高,并且维生素E的添加量达到最高值102.8和25.3 mg/kg,随后变化不明显;美国红鱼血清SOD活性随维生素E添加量的增加而显著升高,并且含量在102.8 mg/kg达到最高值,随后显著下降。综上所述,美国红鱼维生素E的适宜添加量为102.8 mg/kg。
      A single factor experiment was conducted to study the effects of dietary vitamin E on growth(feed efficiency ratio(FER),specific growth rate(SGR) and survival rate(SR))and nonspecific immunity(lysozyme activity,total complement activity and superoxide dismutase(SOD) activity) of red drum Sciaenops ocellatus L., Five iso nitrogenous and iso energetic diets at levels of 0.1,25.3,51.0,102.8 and 203.2mg/kg vitamin E were fed twice a day(07∶30 and 16∶30). Triplicated groups of 20 fish at initial body weight of about 151g were fed with the diets in the levels for 8 weeks. The experiment was done in floating net cages(1.5 m×1.0 m×1.0 m). Results indicated that the feed efficiency ratio,specific growth rate and survival rate increased significantly with the increase of vitamin E supplement level in diet after 8 weeks of the feeding trial,the optimal vitamin E for growth of red drum was about 102.8mg/kg;the lysozyme activity and total complement activity of serum in red drum increased significantly with the increase of vitamin E supplement level in diet,and the red drum had the maximal level of lysozyme activity and total complement activity when fed by 102.8 and 25.3 mg/kg VE ,then the change of lysozyme and total complement activity were not significant;the SOD activity of serum in red drum increased significantly with the increase of vitamin E supplement level in diet,and the red drum had the maximal level of SOD activity when fed by 102.8mg/kg VE then decreased significantly.Ingeneral,it was showed that the optimal vitamin E for red drum growth was about 102.8mg/kg.
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