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赵永强,谈俊晓,李来好,杨贤庆,魏 涯,岑剑伟,李春生
1.中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所 农业农村部水产品加工重点实验室 广州 510300;2.上海海洋大学食品学院 上海 201306
为减缓虾青素的氧化速度,提高虾青素的储藏稳定性,以麦芽糊精、羟丙基-β-环糊精(HP-β-CD)为壁材,采用喷雾干燥法对南极磷虾(Euphausia superba)虾青素进行微胶囊化包埋,并对微胶囊化后产品的理化性质进行研究。结果显示,麦芽糊精与HP-β-CD壁材质量比为1∶3、虾青素添加质量分数为4.76%、聚山梨酯-80添加质量分数为0.87%、固形物浓度为0.20 g/ml时,虾青素微胶囊包埋率为98.77%。制备的虾青素微胶囊水分含量为(3.11±0.11)%,溶解度为(94.32±0.08)%,休止角为(34.16±0.24)°。稳定性实验表明,与未微胶囊化的虾青素晶体相比,虾青素微胶囊在高温条件、自然光条件与有氧条件下,虾青素的保留率分别由28.72%、45.27%与20.76%提高到了78.32%、84.88%和74.97%。可见微胶囊化可明显改善虾青素溶解性和稳定性,为虾青素微胶囊化产品制备提供技术支持。
关键词:  南极磷虾  虾青素  微胶囊  喷雾干燥法  理化性质
Optimization of the Preparation Process and the Physicochemical Properties of Antarctic Krill Astaxanthin Microcapsules
ZHAO Yongqiang1,2, TAN Junxiao1,2,3, LI Laihao1,2, YANG Xianqing1,2, WEI Ya1,2, CEN Jianwei1,2, LI Chunsheng1,2
1.Key Laboratory of Aquatic Product Processing, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs;2.South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Guangzhou 510300;3.College of Food Science and Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306
Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) is a species of krill found in the Southern Ocean, and an important strategic resource of China, whose growth and reproduction are susceptible to the Antarctic water environment. Due to their huge biomass (estimated to be 125 to 725 million tons), nutrient contents, and active ingredients, Antarctic krill can be widely used in functional food, aquaculture, medicine, and other fields. As an important extractive, astaxanthin has high antioxidant activity and could play an important role in anti-oxidation, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, and immunity enhancement treatments, as well as in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. However, astaxanthin has poor stability and poor water solubility, as the molecules are easily damaged by oxygen, light, and heat. In order to reduce the oxidation rate of astaxanthin and improve the storage stability of astaxanthin, the use of maltodextrin and hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) as the wall material for the microencapsulation of the Antarctic krill astaxanthin by spray drying and the physical and chemical properties of the product after microencapsulation were studied. The results showed that when the mass ratio of maltodextrin to HP-β-CD wall material was 1:3, the mass fraction of astaxanthin was 4.76%, the mass fraction of polysorbate-80 was 0.87%, and the solids concentration was 0.20 g/ml; the microencapsulation efficiency of astaxanthin microcapsules was 98.77%. The water content of the prepared astaxanthin microcapsule was (3.11±0.11)%, the solubility was (94.32±0.08)%, and the angle of rest was (34.16±0.24)°. Stability experiments showed that compared to the non-microencapsulated astaxanthin crystals, astaxanthin microcapsules at high temperatures, the retention rate of astaxanthin increased from 28.72% to 78.32%; under natural light conditions. The astaxanthin retention rate increased from 45.27% to 84.88%; under aerobic conditions and the retention rate of prime increased from 20.76% to 74.97%. The above-mentioned results indicated that microencapsulation can significantly improve the solubility and stability of astaxanthin, which can provide technical support for the preparation of astaxanthin microencapsulated products.
Key words:  Antarctic krill  Astaxanthin  Microcapsules  Spray drying  Physicochemical properties