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短蛸(Amphioctopus fangsiao)幼体摄食行为和不同饵料对其生长、存活的影响
王卫军1, 董 根1,2, 李焕军1, 刘兆存3, 李 彬1, 冯艳微1, 杨建敏1
1.山东省海洋资源与环境研究院 山东省海洋生态修复重点实验室 烟台 264006;2.中国海洋大学 海水养殖教育部重点实验室 青岛 266003;3.山东省华春渔业有限公司 东营 257200
为了研究短蛸(Amphioctopus fangsiao)不同生长阶段的饵料需求,本研究采用刚孵化的短蛸幼体作为实验材料,首先观察不同环境条件下短蛸幼体的摄食行为,然后通过投喂不同的饵料,对短蛸幼体的生长过程进行研究。结果显示,卤虫无节幼体密度从0.1个/ml上升至1个/ml的过程中,密度在0.1个/ml时短蛸初孵幼体摄食量高;1–2 d龄幼体和2–3 d龄幼体有较为强烈的摄食行为,因此,需要从孵化第2天开始重视短蛸幼体的饵料情况。晚上是初孵幼体的摄食活跃阶段,在室内光和黑暗条件下均表现出高摄食量。投喂混合饵料时,短蛸幼体有较高的存活率和增长率;初孵幼体(0.03 g)培育过程中,卤虫无节幼体是关键饵料;当幼体开始附底(0.1 g)时,应及时进行饵料转换,虾苗和贝肉是附底幼体的重要饵料。该研究结果对短蛸规模化苗种繁育具有重要实用价值。
关键词:  短蛸幼体  摄食行为  饵料结构  生长  存活
Feeding Behavior of Larval Amphioctopus fangsiao and the Effect of Different Diets on Its Growth and Survival
WANG Weijun1, DONG Gen1,2, LI Huanjun1, LIU Zhaocun3, LI Bin1, FENG Yanwei1, YANG Jianmin1
1.Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Restoration for Marine Ecology, Shandong Marine Resource and Environment Research Institute, Yantai 264006;2.Key Laboratory of Mariculture, Ministry of Education, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003;3.Shandong Huachun Fisheries Co., LTD, Dongying 257200
Amphioctopus fangsiao (d’Orbigny, 1839–1841), aka Octopus ocellatus (Gray, 1849), is widely distributed in coastal areas of West Pacific Ocean. A. fangsiao has high market value because of the delicate meat texture and enriched nutrition. Hence it has been one of the most important economic species in the north coast of China, and the development of the culture industry is promising. In this study we used new hatchlings to study the food requirement of A. fangsiao at different developmental stages. We first observed the feeding behavior under different conditions, and then investigated the growth process of A. fangsiao fed on different diets at different developmental stages. As the density of Artemia nauplii (the food) increased from 0.1 ind./ml to 1 ind./ml, the highest food intake rate of the hatchlings occurred when the density was 0.1 ind./ml. Because the feeding behavior of hatchlings aged Day 1–2 and Day 2–3 was highly active, the diet should be carefully prepared starting from Day 2 after hatching. The food intake of new hatchlings was usually active in the nighttime, and was especially intense in the shimmer and dark environment. A mixed diet helped improve the growth and lower the mortality rate. Artemia nauplii was the key diet at the para-larvae stage (0.03 g). A switch of diet was needed at the benthic stage (0.1 g), and shrimp and fresh shellfish meat was the optimal combination for the benthic hatchlings. Results of this study may provide important information for the large-scale culture of A. fangsiao.
Key words:  Amphioctopus fangsiao lavae  Feeding behavior  Diet structure  Growth  Survival