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盘赛昆1,2, 姚东瑞2,3, 朱强1,2, 王淑军1,2, 王艳2
1.江苏省海洋生物技术重点实验室,连云港 222005;2.淮海工学院食品工程学院,连云港 222005;3.中国科学院植物研究所,南京 210014
以条浒苔为研究对象,以蛋白质提取率为指标,通过单因素试验确定提取条件,后采用均匀设计确定纤维素酶辅助提取工艺条件。结果表明,条浒苔蛋白质的提取条件为pH 11.0,温度60℃,时间5h;纤维素酶辅助提取条件为料液比1∶50,温度30℃,pH 5.5,时间5.5h,加酶量5.0%,纤维素酶处理后再经水提取5h,在此条件下蛋白质的提取率为30.22%~35.74%。为浒苔深加工及资源化利用,测定浒苔蛋白质的功能特性,结果表明,条浒苔蛋白质的等电点pI=3.0,在pH 7时起泡性最好,起泡性随着蛋白质溶液的浓度增加而增强,泡沫稳定性在pH 3和质量浓度2mg/ml时最好,乳化性在4mg/ml时最好,乳化稳定性在2mg/ml时最好,条浒苔蛋白质的吸油性为131.6%,60℃时溶解性最大。
关键词:  条浒苔  蛋白质  纤维素酶  均匀设计  等电点  起泡性  乳化性
Cellulase-assisted extraction and properties of protein from Enteromorpha clathrata
Using extraction ratio as the index, the extraction process of protein from Enteromorpha clathrata was investigated using single factor test and uniform design. Results showed that the optimal water extracting conditions were as follows: pH 11.0, temperature 60℃, and extraction time 5h. The cellulase-assisted extraction condition were as follows: solid/liquid ratio 1∶50, temperature 30℃, pH 5.5, hydrolysis duration 5.5h, and enzyme dose 5.0%. The sample was first treated with cellulose, then extracted by water under the above conditions, and the extraction rate was 30.22%~35.74%. In order to utilize the protein of E. clathrata, the properties of the extracted protein were also tested. The isoelectric point (pI) of the protein was 3; foaming capability peaked at pH 7 and was enhanced with the increase of the protein concentration; the highest foam stability at pH 3 and concentration of 2mg/ml; the highest emulsifying capability and emulsion stability at concentrations of 4 mg/ml and 2mg/ml, respectively. The oil adsorption ability of the protein was found to be 131.6%, and the maximum solubility was achieved at 60℃.
Key words:  Enteromorpha clathrata  Protein  Cellulase-assisted extraction  Uniform design  Isoelectric point  Foaming capacity  Emulsifying capability