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肖广侠1,2, 孟宪红1, 孔杰1, 曹宝祥1, 刘宁1, 张庆文1, 罗坤1, 李战军1,3
1.农业部海洋渔业可持续发展重点实验室 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,青岛 266071;2.天津渤海水产研究所,300457;3.山东省海洋捕捞生产管理站,烟台 116023
采用单胞藻(SA)、配合饵料(AF)、轮虫(BP)和卤虫幼体(BS)4种饵料,设计了SA+AF、SA+AF+BP、SA+AF+BS和SA+AF+BP+BS 4种饵料组合并用于中国对虾苗种培育,投喂SA+AF饵料的受精卵分设“碘伏”消毒及未消毒组,投喂其他饵料的受精卵均为“碘伏”消毒组。分析各期幼体成活率、P10体重及WSSV携带量,结果表明,N-Z期间,受精卵消毒与否及投喂不同饵料对中国对虾的成活率差异均不显著(P>0.05);Z-P期间,投喂BP的成活率明显高于未投喂BP组(P<0.01);投喂SA+AF+BS的幼体在M-P期间成活率与其他饵料组差异极显著(P<0.01);投喂SA+AF+BP 饵料组P10幼体的平均体重小于投喂SA+AF+BP+BS组的幼体(P<0.01);SA+AF消毒组P10仔虾WSSV携带量为10.52±3.3 copies/ng DNA,低于其他饵料组仔虾的WSSV携带量(P<0.05)。在P11-P60培育期间,分别投喂菲律宾蛤仔足肌(CF)+配饵(AF)、60Co γ辐照菲律宾蛤仔足肌(RCF)+配饵(AF)、高锰酸钾消毒菲律宾蛤仔足肌(DCF)+配饵(AF)和配饵(AF)4种饵料组合。结果表明,CF+AF组对虾体重和体长增长最大,但与AF组差异不显著,而CF+AF组和AF组与其余两组差异显著(P<0.05);4组对虾存活率差异不显著(P>0.05)。WSSV人工感染实验结果表明,4种饵料投喂的对虾累积死亡率都在90%以上,差异均不显著(P>0.05)。
关键词:  中国对虾  饵料  生长发育  存活率  WSSV
Effect of different diets on the WSSV load and survival rate of Fenneropenaeus chinensis
Using microalgae (SA), artificial feed (AF), brachionus plicatilis (BP) and brine shrimp larvae (BS) , four diets including SA+AF, SA+AF+BP, SA+AF+BS, and SA+AF+BP+BS were formulated and used for rearing Fenneropenaeus chinensis larvae. All fertilized eggs were disinfected except the larvae fed with SA+AF. The survival rates of different treatments were compared at each stage. It was found that there was no significant difference in the survival rate at N-Z stage by feeding with different diets (P>0.05), but the survival rate of BP treatment was higher than others (P<0.01) at Z-P stage, while that of SA+AF+BS treatment was significantly different (P<0.01) from others at M-P stage. The body weight of 10-day post larvae (P10) fed with SA +AF+BP diet was less than that of SA+AF+BP+BS (P<0.01). The WSSV load of SA+AF treatment (10.52±3.3 copies/ng DNA) were significantly lower than that of other treatments (P<0.05) at P10 stage. During the stage of P11-P60, four kinds of diets, including Ruditapes philippinarum foot muscle (CF)+artificial feed (AF), R. philippinarum foot muscle radiated by 60Co γ (RCF)+artificial feed (AF), potassium-permanganate-disinfected R. philippinarum foot muscle (DCF)+artificial feed (AF) and artificial feed (AF), were used to feed the prawn. The CF+AF treatment gained the greatest increase of body weight and body length, showing no significant difference (P>0.05) from AF treatment, but with significant difference (P<0.05) from the other two treatments. The survival rate of CF+AF treatment was the highest but no significant difference from other treatments (P>0.05). WSSV artificial infection experiment showed that the accumulated mortality in all treatments were higher than 90%, with no significant difference among treatments (P>0.05) .
Key words:  Fenneropenaeus chinensis  Diet  Growth  Survival rate  WSSV