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欧阳力剑1, 郭学武2
1.山东省渔业资源与生态环境重点实验室,中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,青岛 266071) (2上海海洋大学, 201306;2.山东省渔业资源与生态环境重点实验室,中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,青岛 266071)
利用东、黄海渔业资源调查所获得的数据,在测定年栖息平均水温、渐进体重、尾鳍外形比以及胃含物分析基础上,根据经验公式计算得出了东、黄海103种鱼类的Q/B值。Q/B值总体范围从3.09(黄鱼安鱼康)到19.13(七星底灯鱼),平均值为7.97。根据Q/B值和生物量评估了鱼类种群年摄食量。黄海的重要鱼类(鳀鱼、竹荚鱼、鲐鱼、细纹狮子鱼和小黄鱼),共消耗了449万t/年。东海的重要鱼类(竹荚鱼、带鱼、发光鲷、鳀鱼和蓝点马鲛),共消耗了175 万t/年。 97种鱼类在黄海共摄食约466万t/年,在东海共摄食278万t/年。同时对东、黄海主要饵料生物(磷虾类、鳀鱼、发光鲷、七星底灯鱼、细条天竺鲷、日本枪乌贼、桡足类、樱虾类、细螯虾和脊尾腹褐虾)被摄食量进行了估算。主要饵料生物在这两个海区共被消耗了555万t/年,占整个97种鱼类摄食消耗的74.6%。
关键词:  Q/B  温度  摄食量
Studies on the Q/B values and food consumption of major fishes in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea
Based on the trawl surveys in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea and determination of the related annual average temperature (T), asymptotic weight (W∞), the aspect ratio of caudal fin (A) and stomach contents (Ft), Q/B values of 103 fish species were calculated by three empirical models. The Q/B values ranged from 3.09 (for Lophius litulon )to 19.13 (for Benthosema pterotum) and the average value was 7.97. The amount of annual food consumption by the fish species was assessed based on the Q/B values and the amount of biomass. In the Yellow Sea, the major species including Engraulis japonicus, Trachurus japonicus, Scomber japonicus, Liparis tanakai, and Larimichthys polyactis,was consumed 4.49×106 tons/year. In the East China Sea, the major species such as Trachurus japonicus, Trichiurus haumela, Acropoma japonicum Günther, Engraulis japonicus, and Scomberomorus niphonius, was consumed 1.75×106 tons/year. Food consumption by 97 fish species in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea were 4.66×106 tons/year and 2.78×106 tons/year, respectively. Meanwhile, the quantity of major food organisms such as Euphausiids, Engraulis japonicus, Acropoma japonicum Günther, Benthosema pterotum, Apogon lineatus, Loligo japonica Hoyle, Copepoda, Sergestidae, Leptochela gracilis and Crangon affinis consumed in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea was evaluated. The total amount of major food organisms consumed in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea was 5.55×106 tons/year, accounting for 74.6% of the total food consumption by 97 fish species.
Key words:  Q/B  Temperature  Food consumption